All muy support @hdpdiplomacy @HDP_Europe
RT @HDP_Europe: We and the humanity has stood in solidarity with those who resisted in #Kobani. The regime continues the Kobani conspiracy with jurisdiction to support those who lost (ISIS) due to the resistance and solidarity at that time and to criminalize our solidarity. The evil will lose.
RT @HDP_Europe: “#Kobani case is closely linked with HDP’s closure case.
We invite international community & foreign missions in Turkey to observe the Kobanî case's 21st hearing on 7-9 February."
Statement by @Feleknasuca & @hisyarozsoy 🔗⤵️
Merry Christmas 😉
#Christmas celebration in #Kobani
#MerryChristmas #Syria
#christmas #Kobani #merrychristmas #syria
#Turkey bombs Kurdish militants and #Kobani which defeated ISIS in 2014.This is how international community expresses its gratitude to the liberators of Kobani from ISIS? It should not remain silent towards such violations of international law.Act Now!
#DefendKobani @HDP_Europe
Referenced link:
Originally posted by junge Welt /
Die türkische Luftwaffe hat in der Nacht zum Sonntag ihre bislang schwersten Angriffe auf die Selbstverwaltungsregion in Nord- und Ost|#syrien geflogen. Bombardiert wurden mit Kampfflugzeugen unter anderem die Städte #Kobani und #Derik. #Türkei
#Syrien #Kobani #Derik #turkei #jWTitel
RT @EFAparty: EFA strongly condemns Turkey's continued attacks against Kurdistan including the latest attacks on #Kobani
These attacks in North East Syria threaten stability across the entire region and weakens the fight against ISIS. Europe must act.
RT @EFAparty: EFA strongly condemns Turkey's continued attacks against Kurdistan including the latest attacks on #Kobani
These attacks in North East Syria threaten stability across the entire region and weakens the fight against ISIS. Europe must act.
Stop the attacks in #Kobani #Rojava. Erdogan's regime must stop! Stop Turkish military aggression against Kurdistan! @GreensEFA
@jordisolef @Tineke_Strik
@SLagodinsky ⤵️
RT @HDP_Europe: The defeat of ISIS has started in the town of Kobani.
Turkish warplanes are now bombing the town center of #Kobani and some other places in North East Syria.
Erdogan seems to have already started his electoral campaign.
All attacks must stop…
Attacking hospitals is usually illegal. Even when there is doubt about the civilian character of a hospital it is not to be attacked. #Turkey #Kobani
Attacking hospitals is usually illegal. #Turkey #Kobani
RT @nadinemaenza: Video from #Kobani resident with family as #Turkey conducts airstrikes there & in Darbasiyah, Derik, Tel Rifat, Shebha & Zirgan.
Turkey is targeting the very people (#SDF) that destroyed the #ISIS Caliphate, losing 11,000 lives, so the US did not have to put boots on the ground.
RT @HDP_Europe: The defeat of ISIS has started in the town of Kobani.
Turkish warplanes are now bombing the town center of #Kobani and some other places in North East Syria.
Erdogan seems to have already started his electoral campaign.
All attacks must stop immediately!
RT @mutludc: Turkish strikes against #Kobani and other Kurdish towns tonight. Turkish airstrikes targeted Qazali in W countryside of Tal Abyad, Tal Rifat, Zarkan, Derik, Dirbesiye… Also, Beilonya village which is heavily populated with Afrin IDPs who were forcibly displaced in 2018
RT @HDP_Europe: The defeat of ISIS has started in the town of Kobani.
Turkish warplanes are now bombing the town center of #Kobani and some other places in North East Syria.
Erdogan seems to have already started his electoral campaign.
All attacks must stop immediately!
RT @HDP_Europe: The defeat of ISIS has started in the town of Kobani.
Turkish warplanes are now bombing the town center of #Kobani and some other places in North East Syria.
Erdogan seems to have already started his electoral campaign.
All attacks must stop immediately!
RT @HDP_Europe: The defeat of ISIS has started in the town of Kobani.
Turkish warplanes are now bombing the town center of #Kobani and some other places in North East Syria.
Erdogan seems to have already started his electoral campaign.
All attacks must stop immediately!
Heute ist #Kobani Gedenktag
Im Rahmen meiner #Syrien Reise im Nordosten Besuch bei den Frauen des @starrcongress #FrauenLebenFreiheit #SyriaIsnotsafe
#Kobani #Syrien #FrauenLebenFreiheit #SyriaIsNotSafe
Det går knappt en dag utan att Natolandet Turkiet angriper kurder i norra Syrien, Irak eller i Turkiet.
Idag angreps Kobane, staden där kurder med allierade slogs tillbaka IS trots att Turkiet stängde gränsen bakom dem.
RT @mutludc: Here is the city center of #Kobane which was hit by Turkish 4 shells. Some injuries reported and shops and buildings damaged. #Kobani is the heroic Kurdish city which defeated ISIS after weeks if resistan…
We all remember the heroic resistance of #Kobane against DAESH. Now the city is again being bombed. This time by #Erdogan. While the world is watching Putins atrocities in Ukraine #Turkey targets western allies in Northeastern Syria. Totally unacceptable! Erdogan must be stopped!
RT @mutludc: Here is the city center of #Kobane which was hit by Turkish 4 shells. Some injuries reported and shops and buildings damaged. #Kobani is the h…
#Kobane #Erdogan #Turkey #Kobani