Yesterday was #KoboldAppreciationDay and I didn't get any head pats, in demand them now
Do you know what day is it today after #Dragonappreciationday ?
It's now Kobold's day today! Happy #Koboldappreciationday ~! To all of you kobolds~ <3
#KoboldAppreciationDay #dragonappreciationday
It's #KoboldAppreciationDay so please, gently the kobolds in your life and your timeline. 💙
Wait, it's #DragonAppreciationDay?? Okay, so, offerings in the form of shiny things, crystals, weed, and occult objects can be left on top of the hoard in the corner *points*
Hugs and general niceties are also quite welcome :dragnheart:
Aaaand since it's also #KoboldAppreciationDay, I think I'll hunt down some kobolds to appreciate and bless with the highest quality headpats
#KoboldAppreciationDay #dragonappreciationday
Happy Kobold Appreciation Day to all cutie 'bolds on fedi! :kobold: