Lieber in Teufels Küche als zur Hölle fahren.
Why are organizations of MOTHERS important for #KochNetwork backed CLIMATE DENIAL? Sounds weird, but it’s not. Here 3 examples: #germany (Initiative Familien), #usa (moms for liberty) and #uk (UsForThem). Why does #cdu affiliated Kristina Schröder have political impact in Germany with moms of “Familien in der Krise” #noFidK? Read the “Counter Disinformation Project”:
#noFidK #cdu #uk #usa #germany #KochNetwork
@NewsDesk As #putin probably said, “ You don’t have to invade a country if you can get the people to kill each other.”
#gop #oligarchy #oligarchsvsdemocracy #guns #nra #russia #KochNetwork of #republicanfascism #terrorism #foxnews #rupertmurdoch #orban #putin #fascists #trump #rondesantis #mitchmcconnell #china
#putin #gop #oligarchy #oligarchsvsdemocracy #guns #nra #russia #KochNetwork #republicanfascism #terrorism #foxnews #rupertmurdoch #orban #fascists #trump #rondesantis #mitchmcconnell #china
@harleygold @bleakfuture #rondesantis is intelligent but that doesn’t preclude him from being insane as well. He’s childlike in the sense he wants to have complete control over everyone & everything, even their thoughts.
#florida #DeSantisDoctrine #autocracy #mindcontrol #schools #education #votersupression #dictatorship #putin #KochNetwork #gop #rightwingculturewar #transrights #HumanRightsViolators #womensrights #usa
#rondesantis #florida #desantisdoctrine #autocracy #mindcontrol #schools #education #votersupression #dictatorship #putin #KochNetwork #gop #rightwingculturewar #transrights #humanrightsviolators #womensrights #usa
Add/ US-based private equity fund manager Apollo Global Management (#KochNetwork ) is in final talks with global banking major JP Morgan to acquire the latter’s property fund in the country/2018
So honored and delighted that a national hero like is alerting folks to this article I coauthored with on what the #KochNetwork has been up to since most of the media stopped paying attention. Read his latest essential book, Scheme, if you haven't.
The destruction of public education has been on the Koch agenda for decades:
The Koch network's political philosophy:
"Government is bad. Public education must be destroyed for the good of all American citizens”.
The ultimate goal is to replace the public education system with a privately run system.
2012 Koch Brothers exposed doco
#education #uspol #KochNetwork
@johnettesnuggs @jasminediaz @TonyStark
Yes, the destruction of public education has been on the Koch agenda for decades:
Koch network political philosophy: “Government is bad. Public education must be destroyed for the good of all American citizens”. The ultimate goal is to replace the public education system with a privately run system.
2012 Koch Brothers exposed doco
#education #uspol #KochNetwork
RT Michael Flynn: America’s Future? #KochNetwork
RT Michael Flynn: America’s Future? #KochNetwork
RT Youngkin #KochNetwork
Corruption has become normalised in the UK.
It will no longer be investigated, reported on, punished,...
Because 55 Tufton St (the #KochNetwork, #AtlasNetwork, the Mercers) are now in charge.
Be *very* afraid, UK.
⚠️ It’s hard to overstate how serious this is.
I could use various terms for this behaviour, but… just have a read:
[from Sunday Times]
Spot on by Steve Bell. 👏👏👏
With Truss as PM, Dark - mostly Oil - Money is now running the UK.
Tufton Street - the #KochNetwork / #AtlasNetwork is finally fully in charge.
If you've never heard of either the #KochNetwork or the #Kochtopus, then this might be a good place to start...
They are behind Brexit, Trump, etc.
And they are deliberately underming western democracy.
In short - they are fascists. 😡
icymi In 2018, van Kooten was one of dozens of academics who signed his name to an open letter defending Rebekah Mercer — the daughter of far-right billionaire Robert Mercer — who served on Donald Trump’s transition team -
Advancing White Supremacy Through Academic Strategy
... The report’s chapters describe the interwoven infrastructure of neo-confederate scholars, funded by the Charles Koch Foundation, who are training and recruiting the next generation of anti-civil rights Austrian economists. We explore the dangerous ideologies involved in this network, past and present, including recent influence on the violent Alt-Right and Neo-Nazis.
Other chapters highlight the Koch family’s involvement in Nazi sympathizing, efforts to oppose the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, and the present-day Koch network’s effort to roll-back opposing civil rights.
We believe that understanding the Charles Koch Foundation’s material support for, and ideological confluence with, a network of Neo-Confederate and white nationalist scholars is integral to understanding the Koch-network’s past and present efforts to resegregate our nation’s schools, dismantle voting rights, and expand the prison industrial complex -- all at the expense of people of color. ...
#KochBrothers #CharlesKoch #KochFoundation #KochIndustries #WhiteNationalism #WhiteNationalists #CharlesKochFoundation #NeoConfederatcy #KochNetwork #GeorgeMasonUniversity #MercatusCenter #ALEC #HeritageFoundation #CatoInstitute
#kochbrothers #charleskoch #KochFoundation #KochIndustries #whitenationalism #whitenationalists #CharlesKochFoundation #NeoConfederatcy #KochNetwork #GeorgeMasonUniversity #MercatusCenter #alec #HeritageFoundation #CatoInstitute