Here we go again
The EFF is wrong
No “server” was seized
Here’s the quote from the article:
“...when one of the server’s admins had their home raided by the FBI for unrelated charges. All of their electronics, including a backup of the instance database, were seized”
The DB backup was on a hard drive in a private citizen’s personal computer at home
It was *not* a #Mastodon #Kolectiva “server”
It was not on Kolectiva premises
It was not under Kolectiva administrative control
No “server” was seized
Did you even bother to read the article before climbing on the click-bait train?
Here’s the quote:
“when one of the server’s admins had their home raided by the FBI for unrelated charges. All of their electronics, including a backup of the instance database, were seized”
The DB backup would have been on a hard drive in a private citizen’s computer at home
It was *not* a #Mastodon #Kolectiva “server”
#mastodon #Kolectiva #technews
#kolectiva was apparently breached which on the one had, what were yall doing that theres any evidence that can be used against you here? did you really think this place was safe?
but also, ive been meaning to leave here anyway so time has come i suppose. ill probably end up on witches live unless someone has a better suggestion
Here for the 'independent autonomous alternative to corporate social media'
For those of you who weren't automatically #migrated, I have a new home in the Fediverse:
I found #Mastodon a bit limiting and wanted to try a different server software. The instance I landed on happens to be a sister server of #Kolectiva!
Go follow now!
#migrated #mastodon #Kolectiva
Left-aspiring liberal refugees continue to pour across the border from Tweetlandia, hoping to escape the violent extremism of their leader and find a home from which to ply their hot takes. Having landed on the shores of #Kolectiva many who are new are trying to figure out what FAFO is, what it means, and the price of 'freedom'.
New residents trying to find out if they belong in #kolektivaSocial may find some clues here, and may also find the answer is (usually) yes:
you actually can't just appropriate lashon hara and use it to protect abusers
#Kolectiva is doing the right thing
#Kolectiva (Using hashtags is how you shout into the void here so people actually see you, right?) So, I'm new here, and who knows if I'll stay/be active, and I know virtually nothing about Mastodon, but I am aware that servers are volunteer-run, so... Is there somewhere I can throw $5, to help cover the sudden influx of people? Is that a thing?
I'll likely use this space to offer some thoughts and critical perspectives on the topics mentioned above and others as time goes on, with an eye on gaining some traction in this and other spaces. I'm watching #Kolectiva with interest, though I might not be ideologically pure enough for them.
But let me just end this by saying to #Kolectiva - be nice but please do let me know if the approach I take isn’t the best fit. I’d VERY open to communication.
Another reason I picked #Kolectiva is that from the very beginning of working on Twitter, my project has attracted the interest and attention and intensity and wrath of Eco fascists, and keeping them away, has been a full-time job. I want people around me who can help keep each other safe in our work.
I picked #Kolectiva because it best matches some of the ways that I like to go about creating organizing, and I think the values are in line. However, I ride the fine line of running a community nonprofit, and I am aware that there may be friction with trying to utilize space like that, I will listen to polite communication about moving to a different server if that is a good call. Absolutely respect for the integrity and values of the space or if it actually is a great fit a welcome communication and advice on how to do it best