@AnarchoDoggo @donkeyherder @benda @CorvidCrone @moderation @kolektiva @CosmicTrigger @HeavenlyPossum that's part of why we love the #Admin #Kolektiva #Fediverse they do the work for all of us
@donkeyherder @benda @CorvidCrone @moderation @kolektiva @CosmicTrigger @AnarchoDoggo @HeavenlyPossum but today #Kolektiva is working fine
@benda @donkeyherder @CorvidCrone @moderation @kolektiva @CosmicTrigger @AnarchoDoggo @HeavenlyPossum when you were taking a break I did miss you. That's why I tell everyone that #Mastodon #Kolektiva #fediverse are the place to be.
Better people here. Classless people have the most class I guess
#mastodon #Kolektiva #fediverse
So the FBI had your server, #Kolektiva
and has all your user data.
"The new Guidelines explicitly authorize the surveillance and infiltration of peaceful advocacy groups in advance of demonstrations..."
It only takes a few seconds for the #FBI to install a firmware-based back door, that will persistent through re-installation of the entire system.
"just change your password, it's okay"
Did you fail to read any of the Snowden docs? NSA -> FBI is routine, thanks to Bush.
I'm just here to kiss the FBI's ass. <looks around Kafeneio>
oops wrong Cafe! #Kolektiva
so many fake #anarchists on #kolektiva / #mastodon
yes so long you #frauds :fuck_verify:
#anarchists #Kolektiva #mastodon #frauds
#Introduction post following a move to #kolektiva.
Hello hello! We're the Marenzers Constellation moving here from plush.city! We were looking for a more activism-centric instance.
We are coming out of a period of intense therapy, self-healing and catching up on vital life lessons. We're currently listening and learning to plan the next chapter of our lives.
Thanks for having us.
@admin #Kolektiva #KolektivaMods we should be #fediblock ing mastodon.world see above
#Kolektiva #kolektivamods #fediblock
So many people are crying about Twitter. Who fucking cares? Jesus, find a new hobbyhorse. I also recently found out about the FBI raid on Kolektiva, this is what I get for being out of the loop, and I'm way too lazy to change instances even though it is supposedly easy to do. I'm. Too. Lazy. For. My. Own. Good. #LazyBastard #STFUAboutTwitter #LibsGoingToLivlb #Kolektiva #Goldbricking
#lazybastard #stfuabouttwitter #libsgoingtolivlb #Kolektiva #Goldbricking
📣 New episode
We spoke with our #fediverse correspondent about the #Kolektiva breach and what anarchists might learn from it, Mastodon #OPSEC, and the growing disillusionment with corporate social media platforms.
#kolektiva #iww #USA #union As Labor Day approaches in this era of American union growth and solidarity please seek out and drop by your local union and/or IWW events, parties, cookouts, etc. Learn more about America's relation with labor, why we don't (officially) celebrate May Day like a large portion of the rest of the world, and how organizing on YOUR level can help improve the material conditions for EVERYONE in your neighborhood, workplace, city, and state.
Those who think #Kolektiva servers were raided for some other, unrelated, coincidental, oh-look-what-we-have-here reason don't understand the #USA's sordid history of #SilentWarfare and #repression.
In *many* ways it is worse than #China.
First rule of #fediverse — block #CloudFlare.
#covertWar #followTheMoneyPrinter #bitcoinAttack #cointelpro #cia #fosstodon
#Kolektiva #usa #silentwarfare #repression #china #fediverse #cloudflare #covertwar #followthemoneyprinter #bitcoinattack #cointelpro #cia #fosstodon
I'm thinking something on the #Kolektiva instance got reset to the default setting, which is 500. Odd that the 10000 limit is still what I'm seeing.
Is it just me, or has #Kolektiva switched to a 500-character limit. Counter still says 10000, but getting a validation error for anything over 500.
I like (and kinda hate, but that's okay) how I'm still finding different ways to exist on this platform. There's many little things to consider outside of the actual engagement, y'kno?
For instance (ha):
-Every account I follow, all boosts show up on my "Home", including mine. And, because I follow a lot of people that follow each other (v commie of us) added to my boosts of those boosts, I get the same posts coming back several scrolls (we'll get to that) later. A pretty universal thing, all things considered.
-On *my* profile page: my boosts, replies, AND original posts are all shown. Yeah, you can cut out replies, but I don't really agree with that since those *are* original posts in-and-of themselves. PLUS, people-I-follow's replies on 'their own posts' show up on "Home" anyway (BECAUSE THEY'RE POSTS). Yet, you can't see your posts by themselves, only with boosts.
- All of my posts, boosts, and replies to others (which *are* separate posts) show up on "Home", as well. As if you're following yourself. So, there's never any real need to go to my own profile to look for a specific post of mine. Which would be hard to do anyway with all the boosts. Plus, there's no search feature for your own profile. Only Mastodon. Which suxxxxx; my Tumblr has been buggy since day one. Can't change the profile pic or banner from default and I can't look up tags easily on there either. So, no matter where I am, I feel like I'm machete-ing through dense forests of other people's shit (which I love. don't worry, I am a shit-eater) just to find one specific thing. I've been backing up all my poetry posts to Obsidian just to avoid this.
As opposed to something like Tumblr that shows reblogs and posts but not likes, which have a separate page. Ideally, I want all these things to be separate AND searchable; since, depending on the instance, the character limit and format can let you operate like a macro-blogger, if you want (and I will [threat]).
-There *was* the thing about not being able to see what someone is replying to when they reply, on my instance anyway. But, I've mostly gotten used to just clicking the post and reading through all the replies. It makes sense to me now, because the post has to account for every reply to the original AND the replies to those replies, I think.
It creates a different vibe from other blogging platforms I've been on, since it does encourage you to read all the replies and engage with the original post rather than read *through* everything as an epic but fleeting satire or something. Though, there's that stuff, too. (thanks, Claire)
- In "Notifications", I see when people: reply to me, favorite me, follow me, boost me, edit their posts that I favorite (I think), AND the end-results of polls I voted in.
At one point, I posted about my frustration that there were separate tabs on the side for Favs and Bookmarks. I was told, a little after that, to look at favs as "likes", because people get "notified" of them. Happy feels all-'round.
But, I get notified of boosts, too. So, when someone has a habit of "liking" and "reposting" (like I do, lol), there's a bunch of double notifs. I've observed that some folx favorite more than boost, likely because of experiencing this same thing.
Also: I don't necessarily want to "share" everything I "like". A lot of times, I'm boosting because I feel like people should know a certain piece of information. Whether it's the post itself or how boosting the post affects someone's perception of my values because boosts are disproportionately shown on "Home".
There's also the server's load (so much shit-talk) to consider. If everyone is boosting the same thing, does that mean the same post with the same content has multiple copies from multiple people on one server? Cause, I'm pretty sure it adds a mirror per each account boosting. Which is a good thing for archival; but, really, how *many* copies do you need?
...I think I may be going about this wrong. Or, well, it feels wrong.
I want (I think) to blog-on-main, as the youths say. I want most of my posts on my profile to be **my** things, with the occasional mutual aid boost, of course.
I want (I think):
1. my favorites to be my "passive" engagement; my replies to be my "active" engagement
2. people, who look at my profile, to see *me* and not just other people I agree with or think are funny
3. my bookmarks to be items that genuinely inspire me into some form of "action". literally "bookmark for later".
I think this might be the way that'll feel most natural and, maybe, truer to the original intent of the site set-up.
Soooooo, I think I'm gonna stop boosting (aside from, like, aid/promo stuff). If I like it, it gets a 'fav' and the person on the other screen gets a cute little endorphin rush...or the rush of anxiety from being witnessed. You do you.
If I am only slightly amused, you get nothing, pauper.
Boosts only do something for people looking at my profile to check me out. 'Cause, again, the people I follow are already kinda following each other (cuz that's how I found them, lol) and are getting that content anyway. Most of my followers (I'm callin' y'all "jorties") come from people I *reply* to or get *favorited* by. Passive/Active engagement.
I had the "social graph" thing turned off, that showed who I follow and who follows me, and, I'm switching that on. I think people should be able to get my vibe through my profile (my content) and the graph (people in my quadrant), if I do the "content" part right. I'm not sure if other people can see my Favorites/Likes or not.
And, I have no idea wtf Lists are. I was hoping they were my tagged posts separated into tag categories, but whatever. Maybe the set-up didn't figure people would want to re-engage with their own material as much as reposting other ppl's stuff, hence the prevalence of boosts.
It's all fine. I just need to figure out what's best for me. I have a cohost that'll be mainly reposts of credited art and screenshots. I still have tumblr for inhaling 'content'. Still building my Neocity to post my stuff more independently. Aaaand, everything else is RSS and subscriptions, I think. go team jorties.
Wait, so kolektiva.social hasn't defederated from firefish.social yet I don't get notifications when an account from there interacts with me here? What's going on? #FediTips #Fediverse #Firefish #Kolektiva #Mastodon
#feditips #fediverse #firefish #Kolektiva #mastodon
Wir haben schon eine Abmahnung bekommen, weil wir viele Leute aufmerksam machen wollten. 🤔 #fediverse #kolektiva
Try to keep moving, friend. As difficult as it might be, a short walk, even if close to the home.
BTW Fosstodon is now cloudFlare in case that disturbs you. We are in process of ending communication with people on the server for our protection.
See also #kolektiva
Sorry to lay that on you at this time for you.
Kiva, jos siltä tuntuu. Luulen, että esim #kolektiva säännöt sopisi noihin kriteereihin, eikä siellä tietääkseni olekaan ollut moderointiin liittyneitä ongelmia.
Sen sijaan kyseisen palvelimen käyttäjien identiteetit ja DM:t päätyivät FBI:n haltuun, koska yksi admineista pidätettiin muusta syystä, kun hänellä oli koneellaan paikallinen, salaamaton kopio tietokannasta. Saattaa anarkistiyhteisölle olla vaikeampi paikka.
Just because this keeps happening…if you're on #kolektiva & you reply to one of our posts we will not see it or get notified because rage.love is defederated from y'all & has been for like…a year or two. You're only even able to reply because "defederation" doesn't really work 😶