Lingala Dictionary & Phrasebook: A Language of Central Africa. Lingala-English/English-Lingala by Aquilina Mawadza; Yeno Matuka
#Lingala, #dictionary, #dictionaries, #bilingualdictionary, #bilingualdictionaries, #translationdictionary, #translationdictionaries, #phrasebook, #phrasebooks, #bagó, #lingɛlɛ́sa, #búku, #Congo, #Kongo, #Kongó, #KongóKinsásá, #RepublíkiyaKongóDemokratíki
Lingala (a Bantu language of the Niger-Congo family) is spoken by approximately 10 million people living in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the Republic of Congo, the Central African Republic and Angola. It originated in the Equatorial Region of the DRC, but as the official language of the Army, it became the major language of the Capital city, Kinshasa. Lingala is considered one of the national languages of the DRC.
This dictionary uses the simplified Lingala dialect, also known as Lingala facile. It is mostly a spoken language.
This unique, two-part resource provides travelers to central Africa with the tools they need for daily interaction. The bilingual dictionary has a concise vocabulary for everyday use, and the phrasebook allows instant communication on a variety of topics.
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