Bonus recipe - #TraderJoes #MochiCakeMix #GlutenFree #Kosher #SemiHomemade
Follow the box instructions, but add a couple handfuls of chocolate chips (I have small hands, so, 1 adult handful?).
Use an ice cream scoop to measure into mini bundt pan, then bake at 350° #FreedomUnits for 25 minutes (less for a partially filled pan)
#TraderJoes #mochicakemix #glutenfree #Kosher #semihomemade #freedomunits
16 January 1883 | A Polish Jew, Josef Goldkranz, was born in Tomaszów Lubelski. He was a kosher inspector. During the war he lived in Marseille.
In 1943 he was deported to Auschwitz and murdered in a gas chamber.
See our online lesson about Jews at the Auschwitz camp:
#Auschwitz #Birkenau #Holocaust #Shoah #Jews #history #histodons #Nazis #Germany #NeverForget #ww2 #Memorial #Remember #memory #otd #facts #kosher #Marseille #France
#auschwitz #birkenau #holocaust #shoah #jews #history #histodons #nazis #germany #neverforget #WW2 #memorial #remember #memory #otd #facts #Kosher #Marseille #france
In #halakhah there never was a mandatory 6 hour wait time between eating milk and meat. That idea is a more recent (1500's) chumra חומרה (stringency.) People of course may follow this, but they should also know the history. Ashkenazi Orthodox insist on this waiting time as binding. Other Jews disagree.
Details here. Iyun Halacha, Vol. 4, Issue 2, 5782/2021, Denver Kollel
#halakhah #kashrut #chumrot #jewishlaw #Kosher
Please read the sources here. They are pretty mainstream within Orthodox Judaism: Mishnah, Talmud Bavli, Rabenu Nissim, Yosef Messas, and the Shulkhan Arukh itself (which, on this topic, Ashkenazi reject), and R. Ovadia Yosef, Yaakov Peretz, etc
Do observant #Jews always need two sets of dishes, pots & pans to keep #kosher? Could it be halakhically permissible to clean meat dishes and then make them ritually useful for milk/dairy dishes? Apparently, yes - and upon learning these details, one could ask why this idea isn't discussed in #Ashkenazi #Orthodox #yeshivas
#jews #Kosher #ashkenazi #orthodox #yeshivas
Finally yotzei on our Christmas minhag. Nom nom nom. @mazeldon #Kosher #buddhabodai #dimsum
#Whiskey, #Scotch, and #Bourbon in Jewish thought <3
What are whiskeys made from? When are they considered #kosher? (Good news - most whiskey is considered kosher by Modern Orthodox & Conservative rabbis, all Reform rabbis, some Haredi rabbis)
#DistilledSpirits #Whisky #RyeWhiskey #ScotchWhisky #CanadianWhisky #Irishwhiskey
#whiskey #scotch #bourbon #Kosher #distilledspirits #whisky #ryewhiskey #scotchwhisky #canadianwhisky #irishwhiskey
Keepers of the flame: Chicago’s only kosher sushi bar, Hamachi, is ‘going to be here forever’
#Chicago #sushi #Kosher #RogersPark
#chicago #sushi #Kosher #rogerspark
A common misconception about #kashrut is that it is an ancient health measure which had its place in antiquity but, what with modern methods of slaughtering & sanitary food preparation, is now an anachronism which should be discarded along with the horse and carriage. But was health really the purpose of keeping #kosher? No.
The purpose of Kosher is not health but rather a meaningful spiritual practice.
#kashrut #Kosher #Mazeldon #jewish #judaism
@toddo @mazeldon
Check this out - kosher kitchens need 2 sets of dishes. One for meat foods, another dairy. But do observant Jews always need 2 sets? Could it be permissible to ever clean meat dishes, or pots, and make them ritually useful for milk/dairy dishes? Turns out that there's a lot of room for flexibility
Thank you so much for saying this. It's so disheartening to see some people down playing #Hanukkah. It's extremely important, even more so these days, because it's the only holiday literally based on fighting #antisemitism. Many modern people don't even know the historical background. #Seleucid Empire pagans were literally murdering Jewish people who studied #Torah, kept #kosher, etc. It was #resist or die. No one would downplay such a holiday for any other ethnic group.
#hanukkah #antisemitism #seleucid #torah #Kosher #resist
Groundbreaking Jewish & Arab history in the making: The Gulf's first-ever Kosher supermarket has officially opened in Dubai, UAE! What a testament to how the region is changing following the signing of the Abraham Accords. Via: Rabbi Levi Duchman. Shared from StandWithUs
#Mazeldon #Jewish #Judaism #Jews #Arabs #Peace #kosher #AbrahamAccords #Brotherhood #Tolerance #Dubai #UAE
#Mazeldon #jewish #judaism #jews #peace #AbrahamAccords #brotherhood #tolerance #dubai #uae #arabs #Kosher
Someone in the breakroom just said the #Kosher hescher means it is healthier for you. Perhaps they meant for your soul.