Information from the organization of the #Kraakprotest:
The squatting demo is being moved to the 16th of july at 13:00!!!
We had originally picked the first of july, as this is the date the law takes effect.
However, there was no space for us on the malieveld and we would have to compromise on our our visibility. We absolutely do not want to do that as we think it’s important that we are seen and heard.
There were also some issues with the stage and the permits. We want to make sure the demo is safe, accessible and powerful. We’re taking extra measures to ensure that, but we need time to do so.
We do realize that the original date is inching ever closer. That is why we want to ask you to spread the new date around as much as possible.
We cannot wait to meet you all on the 16th 13:00 on the malieveld in den haag!"
#kraken #squating #protest #demonstratie #demonstration #DenHaag #TheHague
#thehague #denhaag #demonstration #demonstratie #protest #squating #kraken #Kraakprotest