⚫Naufragio al largo della !3 bambini e 3 donne sono mortə in un naufragio al largo di , . Almeno 4 persone risultano ancora disperse.Le nostre condoglianze alle famiglie delle vittime, causate dalle vergognose politiche dei governi europei.Alarm Phone: ⚫ Shipwreck off TunisiaThree children and three women have died in a shipwreck off , in . At least four people are still missing. We send our condolences to families and friends of the missing and dead. twitter.com/TapNewsAgency/stat

#borderskill #kerkennah #Kraten #tunisia

Last updated 2 years ago

· @quarkrotto
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: the bodies of 6 migrants: 3 children & 3 women were recovered, 20 were rescued & search is on for others by Coast Guard, Navy & Civil Protection units, after a boat carrying around 30 people & crossing illegally to sank off , .

🐦🔗: twitter.com/TapNewsAgency/stat

#TAP_En #kerkennah #Kraten #italy #tunisian #tunisia

Last updated 2 years ago