RT @ekaterinaNWO@twitter.com
Today marks exactly six months since the terrible tragedy in my hometown 😭
On Monday, June 27, around 3:50 p.m., a Russian missile struck the Amstor shopping center in #Kremenchug
20 dead, 36 missing, and doctors treated 59 wounded.
"Eternal memory" 🕊️
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ekaterinaNWO/status/1607823559572836353
28. Juni: 1) Ukraine zählt die Toten im Einkaufszentrum in #Kremenchug; 2) Russland feuert Iskander-Raketen aus Belgorod ab; 3) #Putin unterzeichnet ein Ukaz, wonach 8. Juli ein neuer #Feiertag wird: Der Tag der Familie, #Liebe und Treue. Viel Spaß mit dieser „Liebe“
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SLagodinsky/status/1541896110997913600
#Kremenchug #Putin #Feiertag #liebe
We need a story to justify X.
This empty #shoppingCenter that had #weapons stockpiled next door suddenly becomes framed as a bustling shopping center with hundreds of shoppers, and now the center of "one of the most blatant #terroristAttacks in #European history", and justifies more, more, MORE weapons.
#Kremenchug #inTheatres #weaponsIndustry #spain #theatre #naTO #letsMakeRefugees
#shoppingcenter #weapons #terroristAttacks #european #Kremenchug #inTheatres #weaponsIndustry #spain #theatre #nato #letsMakeRefugees
RT @bordoni_russia@twitter.com
Il ministero della difesa russo conferma il bombardamento di Kremenchug specificando che l' obbiettivo era una installazione militare. https://t.me/stranaua/49345
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/bordoni_russia/status/1541698078310268928