On a side note, given that hatred in America is growing ever more open and violent, specifically against the 🌈, in both skin color and sexual orientation...
Petty tyrants are playing state level "fuck you" games...
No one seems to remember history worth a shit...
... I predict a #Kristallnacht or #TulsaMassacre -like event happening soonish there. American media will then immediately ask "How could this happen here?" Possibly followed by Balkanization.
Stay safe!
On a side note, with hatred in AmeriKKKa growing ever more open and violent, specifically against the rainbow, in both skin color and sexual orientation...
Petty tyrants playing state level "fuck you" games...
No one seems to remember history worth shit...
... I predict a #Kristallnacht, or even #TulsaMassacre, -like event happening soon(ish) there.
AmeriKKKan media will then immediately ask "How could this happen here?"
Possibly followed by Balkanization.
Stay safe!
#IntegracionBooktodon #mastodonderdag #PMQs #keinvergessen #마스토돈_첫인상 #niemalsvergessen #Mauerfall #Reichspogromnacht #terremoto #booktodon #niewieder #meta #thecrown #Affinity #GTTO #Kherson #FTX #Kristallnacht #Fensterfreitag #throwbackthursday #followbackfriday #VerseThursday #alaaf #armisticeday #helau
Today #WeRemember the victims of #Kristallnacht - a horrific pogrom against Jewish people & their buildings.
We must continue to say #No2Antisemitism and all forms of discrimination.
We must stand up for societies in which human dignity, equality & justice prevail.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_UNGeneva/status/1590275452429828100
#WeRemember #Kristallnacht #No2Antisemitism
RT @EUAntisemitism: 🗣️"Let us remember: what hurts the victim most is not the cruelty of the oppressor but the silence of the bystander", Elie Wiesel once said.
#WeRemember the victims of #PogromNight & today more than ever we must speak up against #hatred & #antisemitism.
#WeRemember #PogromNight #hatred #antisemitism #Kristallnacht
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/nov/10/kfc-apologises-for-kristallnacht-chicken-and-cheese-promotion if you're wondering why #Kristallnacht is trending, KFC actually did this.
Er zouden 1.400 synagoges vernield zijn. Volgens officiële cijfers zouden bijna 100 Joden die nacht meteen omgekomen zijn, maar wellicht waren het er meer. Tienduizenden Joden werden toen al naar concentratiekampen gestuurd. #Kristallnacht https://vrtnws.be/p.Pq3weVG9y
Yesterday was the 84 anniversary of Kristallnacht. PA said that a holocaust denier was not fit to be governor.
Whoops! Sorry for the multiple #Kristallnacht toots. Dodgy internet connection 🙁
GLISS Ticker - Erinnerung
Gegen das Vergessen > unser Nachbar vor 81 Jahren in der Sankt-Apern-Strasse!
#Köln #Cologne #reichsprogromnacht #kristallnacht #gedenken #niemalsvergessen #niewieder #9Nov38 #heutevor84jahren #gegennazis #gegenrassismus #gegendasvergessen
#koln #cologne #reichsprogromnacht #Kristallnacht #Gedenken #niemalsvergessen #niewieder #9nov38 #heutevor84jahren #gegennazis #gegenrassismus #gegendasvergessen
#Kristallnacht oli tänä päivänä 84 vuotta sitten. Tuhansia juutalaisten yrityksiä, koteja ja synagogia tuhottiin. 30 000 miestä vietiin keskitysleirille.
Sen kunniaksi meidän tulee pitää huolta, että taistelu #rasismi #vihapuhe #diskriminaatio vastaan jatkuu.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/miapetrakumpula/status/1590389001072316422
#Kristallnacht #rasismi #vihapuhe #diskriminaatio
RT @EU_Justice: Today #WeRemember the victims of #Kristallnacht - a horrific pogrom against Jewish people & their buildings.
We must continue to say #No2Antisemitism and all forms of discrimination in the EU.
We must stand up for a society in which human dignity, equality & justice prevail!
#WeRemember #Kristallnacht #No2Antisemitism
Today we commemorate the victims of #Kristallnacht (the Night of Broken Glass) and reaffirm our determination to fight all forms & manifestations of antisemitism.
We must prevent history from repeating itself.
#Kristallnacht #No2Antisemitism #NeverAgain
RT @EUAntisemitism: 🗣️"Let us remember: what hurts the victim most is not the cruelty of the oppressor but the silence of the bystander", Elie Wiesel once said.
#WeRemember the victims of #PogromNight & today more than ever we must speak up against #hatred & #antisemitism.
#WeRemember #PogromNight #hatred #antisemitism #Kristallnacht