Had a blast at #KubeHuddle last week. I gave a talk, was on a panel, met some #cncfAmbassadors, and caught some talks! Check out my recap video!
#KubeHuddle #cncfambassadors #devrel #TorontoTech
I’m so sad that I had to miss #KubeHuddle this week but glad I didn’t go now as I’ve been ill most of the week.
Excited to meet up with my teammates for a mini on-site next week though! 😁
Had a blast speaking in my hometown at #KubeHuddle Toronto this week!
#KubeHuddle #TorontoTech #devops #sre #cloudnative #cncfambassadors
Time for #KubeHuddle day 2! Come say hi and stay for the can't miss Who Are You? Pipeline Edition. It's gonna be AWESOME!!!!!
Having a great time at #kubehuddle this week. So many awesome people working on awesome things
What’s up #KubeHuddle! As always, I’ve got my #conferenceMaskBling game on, with an @oncallmemaybe sticker, of course!
Stay safe, y’all!
#KubeHuddle #conferencemaskbling #devrel #covidsafety
Soo my plans changed... and I won't be able to travel and speak at #KubeHuddle 😪. I was very excited to co-speak with @adrianamvillela (talk: Keeping your engineers happy: The Case for Self-Service Tooling)
The talk had a Developer and Platform Engineer convo... Do I know anyone that is willing to volunteer and read my script on stage? [no practice needed, you will just read off a script]
Hey Toronto folks! Who will I see at KubeHuddle next month? And who wants stickers?
Super stoked that @anamedina@hachyderm.I’m and I will be speaking at KubeHuddle on my home turf!
#devRel #Reliability #kubeHuddle #kubeHuddleToronto #torontoTech
#devrel #reliability #KubeHuddle #kubehuddletoronto #TorontoTech
At the start of October I'm going to be giving two talk at the very first ever #KubeHuddle up in beautiful Edinburgh.
1. "The Wonders and Woes of Webhooks"
2. "What DragonBall can teach us about being engineers"
If you'd like to join me for what is sure to be an incredible conference then you can save 20% on your ticket by using the promo code "FRIENDS"