I wrote an article on hosting a private docker registry on Kubernetes for use with managing internal container images that you might not want on Docker Hub and such. It also happened to turn into a surprise BGP woes article... NFS powers the persistent storage if you're curious on how Kubernetes interacts with it as well. #Kubernetes
I wrote an article on setting up Jenkins to work with a Kubernetes Cluster via OpenID Connect authentication. Also shows how to build a custom Jenkins agent in the case of validating SSL certs for a self-managed CA.
A reminder that kubernetes will be deprecating the `apt.kubernetes.io` and `yum.kubernetes.io` repositories and they'll get no more updates after September 13th. Be sure to switch to `pkgs.k8s.io`! ( https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/production-environment/tools/kubeadm/install-kubeadm/#dpkg-k8s-package-repo )
So I finally finished my guide on how to setup kubernetes with a WSL2 control plane and Raspberry Pi workers with Calico networking. WSL networking is suffering...
Finally got a k8 cluster setup with two raspberry pi worker nodes. Was... quite the challenge.
Containers vs Virtual Machines: Which One is Right for You? #Containers #Virtualmachines #Containerization #Virtualization #Microservices #Security #Hypervisor #Docker #Podman #Kubernetes #AmazonECS #Virtualization #ITinfrastructure #Cloudcomputing #Softwaredevelopment #DevOps #Applicationdeployment
#containers #virtualmachines #containerization #virtualization #microservices #security #hypervisor #Docker #Podman #Kubernetes #amazonecs #itinfrastructure #cloudcomputing #softwareDevelopment #devops #applicationdeployment
Defguard Gateway now supports 🎇native #WireGuard in #FreeBSD #kernel
We also added a #opnsense plugin to configure your #vpn gateway in the official UI.
More details:
#floss #devops #docker #selfhosted #SelfHosting #identity #Kubernetes #OpenSource #release #security #privacy #homeLab
#wireguard #FreeBSD #kernel #opnsense #VPN #FLOSS #devops #Docker #selfHosted #SelfHosting #identity #Kubernetes #OpenSource #release #security #privacy #homeLab
- Multiple #VPN Locations (networks/sites) - with the possibility to define access to the selected Location (all users or only #Admin group).
- Multiple Gateway’s for VPN Location (**high availability/failover**) - supported on a cluster of routers/firewalls for #Linux #FreeBSD #OPNSense
More details:
#floss #devops #docker #selfhosted #SelfHosting #wireguard #identity #Kubernetes #OpenSource #release #security #privacy #homeLab
#VPN #admin #Linux #FreeBSD #opnsense #FLOSS #devops #Docker #selfHosted #SelfHosting #wireguard #identity #Kubernetes #OpenSource #release #security #privacy #homeLab
- Multiple #VPN Locations (networks/sites) - with the possibility to define access to the selected Location (all users or only #Admin group).
- Multiple Gateway’s for VPN Location (**high availability/failover**) - supported on a cluster of routers/firewalls for #Linux/#FreeBSD/#OPNSense
More details:
#floss #devops #docker #selfhosted #SelfHosting #wireguard #identity #Kubernetes #OpenSource #release #security #privacy #homeLab
#VPN #admin #Linux #FLOSS #devops #Docker #selfHosted #SelfHosting #wireguard #identity #Kubernetes #OpenSource #release #security #privacy #homeLab
I'm am really proud that Apache Camel K 2.0 has been released!
Apache #CamelK is a lightweight #integration framework built from #ApacheCamel that runs natively on #kubernetes and is specifically designed for serverless and microservice architectures.
#CamelK #integration #ApacheCamel #Kubernetes
A question to #Kubernetes #k8s experts here.
An init container prepares data for the main container. It needs quite a lot of scratch space to download/preprocess the data, space that is no longer needed after the init container finishes.
Is there a way to have a volume that exists only for the lifetime of the init container, and is destroyed after it's done? The pod (i.e., main container) is long-lived (days) and the init container and its scratch space are short-lived (minutes).
Alejandro Escanero Blanco de Accenture España nos permite jugar con máquinas virtuales de su #cloud y nos enseña de cerca las buenas prácticas de #seguridad en #kubernetes. #OpenSouthCode23
#cloud #seguridad #Kubernetes #opensouthcode23
Unleashing the Power of GitOps with Codefresh: The World's Most Modern CI/CD Platform. #Codefresh #Codefreshcli #Docker #Kubernetes #Helm #Devops #Nodejs #Linux #Opensource
#codefresh #codefreshcli #Docker #Kubernetes #helm #devops #NodeJS #Linux #OpenSource
Bonne nouvelle pour les fans de #Podman (parce que j'adore) kind fonctionne vraiment bien avec. Seul hic, mettre un ingress controller avec "hostPort" semble compliqué... Mais pour tester des truc à la #Kubernetes, c'est parfait.
Je me passe de #Docker sur mon poste perso depuis des mois. Merci @Podman_io
I am not bashing on the presentation or presenter, it was good. But i am a little disappointed, the talk was much more a call for help or contributions instead of a discussion about the philosophy about how and what to log in #Kubernetes #KubeCon
Oh, interesting, the default logging format is neither JSON nor logfmt but a new almost logfmt structure #Kubernetes why? Not a new format! #KubeCon
Kubernetes v1.27: Chill Vibes https://kubernetes.io/blog/2023/04/11/kubernetes-v1-27-release/
What's New (selected from the Major Themes)
- Freeze k8s.gcr.io image registry
- SeccompDefault graduates to stable
- Node log access via Kubernetes API
- ReadWriteOncePod PersistentVolume access mode goes to beta
- Faster SELinux volume relabeling using mounts
Feedback from #Kubernetes Web View user: "Thank you for an excellent tool! Easily the most straightforward Kubernetes dashboard in existence." 😊
🔥 I recently integrated #hashicorp #Vault into #kubernetes and #gitops flows using #ExternalSecrets operator.
A thread about these fascinating cloud-native projects.
Here's how a GitOps flow with ExternalSecrets Operator and Vault could look like
#externalsecrets #gitops #Kubernetes #vault #hashicorp