The genesis of Maya civilization in Mesoamerica was marked by an effervescence in the arts, the beginnings of their written language with glyphs, and a great attention to detail in the sphere of urban planning. #History #Kukulcan #MayaArt #MayaCivilization
#mayacivilization #mayaart #Kukulcan #History
Joshua J. Mark goes looking for adventure while visiting the Maya site of Chichen Itza in Mexico and finds sprites, spirits and iguanas amongst the ruins. #ChichenItza #Kukulcan #MayaArchitecture #History
#History #mayaarchitecture #Kukulcan #ChichenItza
Ehecatl was a Mesoamerican god of air and winds, especially those which brought rains. #Ehecatl #Kukulcan #History
VIDEO: Arremeten contra turista por subir la pirámide maya de Kukulcán
#piramide #Kukulcan #mayas #tourism #turismo #viajes #yucatan #vacaciones #ChichenItza #noticias #news #mexico
#piramide #Kukulcan #mayas #tourism #turismo #viajes #yucatan #vacaciones #ChichenItza #noticias #news #mexico