#RPGaDAY2023 Day 16: Game I wish I owned
My old #Greyhawk boxed set, which I lost. Yes, the one with the gorgeous map (noooo…), AND a printed version of #KultDivinityLost AND a printed copy of #CyBorg (bought the pdf, played it, great game) AND the #ChainedCoffin boxed campaign set for #DCC and #Hyperborea3e AND Mongoose #Traveller (pdf from the humble bundle is a strikingly good read) AND the German version of the #dnd (BECMI) expert box … Bodo Heye I. the Immoderate 👑
#rpgaday2023 #Greyhawk #KultDivinityLost #cyborg #chainedcoffin #dcc #hyperborea3e #traveller #dnd
Jemand lust auf eine Kult Kampagne auf YouTube und Twitch?
#pnp #pnpde #kult #kultdivinitylost #truant #truantspiele #ttrpg #pbta #penandpaper #rollenspiel #rpg #roleplay
#pnp #pnpde #KULT #KultDivinityLost #Truant #truantspiele #ttrpg #PbtA #penandpaper #rollenspiel #rpg #roleplay
@AetherEgo will do! For actual plays I usually refer to the Red Moon Roleplaying Podcast. They produced some genuinely scary and super entertaining episodes on the #worldofdarkness setting, #KultDivinityLost, Solemn Vale, #CoC. The quality is often so good, it is more like listening to an well produced audioplay. I‘m not even a fan of the actual play format, but Red Moon Roleplaying rocks
#worldofdarkness #KultDivinityLost #CoC
Celebrating 1,000+ views on my TTRPG blog today! Come check out essays and resources for games like Call of Cthulhu and KULT: Divinity Lost, utilizing my background studying narrative, folklore, urban legends, film studies, and more.
#CallOfCthulhu #Cthulhu #KultRPG #KultDivinityLost #HorrorRPG #rpg #ttrpg #ttrpgcommunity
#callofcthulhu #cthulhu #KultRPG #KultDivinityLost #horrorrpg #rpg #ttrpg #TTRPGCommunity
New blog essay just uploaded tonight at http://delaporemedia.com. Hint: You'll want to get yourself a piece of cherry pie and a *damn* fine cup of coffee for this one.
#CallOfCthulhu #Cthulhu #KultRPG #KultDivinityLost #HorrorRPG #rpg #ttrpg #ttrpgcommunity
#davidlynch #twinpeaks
#callofcthulhu #cthulhu #KultRPG #KultDivinityLost #horrorrpg #rpg #ttrpg #TTRPGCommunity #davidlynch #twinpeaks
#Kult: Part 1 - Introduction
This #ttrpg is not for everybody.
See you in Metropolis!
#horror #splatterpunk #review #CoC more than #DnD / #OSR #pbta #KultDivinityLost
#KULT #ttrpg #horror #splatterpunk #Review #CoC #dnd #osr #PbtA #KultDivinityLost
Hello Mastodon!
For people who like #TTRPG and #horror and looking for a campaign, I have game announcements:
• A Harvest of Time is a #CallofCthulhu adventure which you can play as #MiskatonicUniversity students in 1930s
• The Black Madonna is a #KULT #KULTDivinityLost adventure that takes place in 1991's Hamburg
• The Lost Ship is a #ShiverRPG one-shot adventure that's similar to Event Horizon or The Thing
#ttrpg #horror #callofcthulhu #miskatonicuniversity #KULT #KultDivinityLost #shiverrpg
IF you've wanted to play the platinum-selling, #1 Hottest Community Call of Cthulhu game
AND you wanted to play it using Kult Divinity Lost then @SavageSpiel is running it on The Raspy Raven Discord, ping me for access
We are just getting a view of demand then we will organise a date
#ttrpg #pbta #KultDivinityLost #KULT #viral
In 32 hours, among with IRL issues, I managed to complete my first scenario draft. I will try to improvise the idea and will write one or two more drafts. This 4:49AM sleep is very well deserved! Good nacht! #KDL #KULT #KULTDivinityLost
Good morning everyone!
Today is an exciting day for me. I gathered my final native game group and it's for a #KULT #KULTDivinityLost #KDL campaign. I'm planning lots of #BDSM #occult and #horror stuff for this game, thanks to the game's own #tarot cards. We already did the #consent form thing, and everyone looks ready.
Time to unleash the eternal #chaos
#KULT #KultDivinityLost #kdl #bdsm #occult #horror #tarot #consent #chaos
Currently running:
Prepping some #CallOfCthulhu scenarios
Currently playing:
#DnD5e (Homebrew)
#DnD5e (Eberron)
#Pathfinder2e (Avernum - Homebrew)
#VtM5 (Rochester by Night)
Most played:
#DnD5e #CallOfCthulhu
Want to try:
#KultDivinityLost #BladesInTheDark
Want to return to:
Wait, there’s so much more that didn’t make it on this list..
#ttrpg #pnp #penandpaper #callofcthulhu #dnd5e #pathfinder2e #vtm5 #KultDivinityLost #bladesinthedark #masksofnyarlathotep
Io oggi devo davvero costringermi a mettere mano a quella campagna di #KultDivinityLost che ho disgraziatamente deciso di iniziare da zero o quasi. Voglio avere almeno le prime due/tre sessioni pronte per le feste e il panico sta salendo.
Qualcuno qui l'ha mai giocato? Come GM sono ai mega inizi, ho masterato due scenari corti negli ultimi due anni (Oakwoods Heights e Midnight's Train) e stop. Se c'è qualcuno che ha esperienza allunghi la mano per mandarmi vibes di orrore cosmico, grazie ciao
My today is dedicated to preparation of my upcoming #KULT #KDL #KULTDivinityLost game. KULT Tarot gave me lots of BDSM-oriented occult worshipping prompts to create a plot, and I go #YOLO with it.
Here's a random song to get into the mood:
#KULT #kdl #KultDivinityLost #yolo
Last night, I got back into Windows 10 again, and did this #KULT #KultDivinityLost #KDL theme for myself.
Last 5 GMed
Last 5 played
Next 5
#ttrpg #5and5 #masks #KultDivinityLost #EscapeFromTheDinoIsland #WorldsInPeril #monsteroftheweek #LiminalHorror #CauchoYCromo #LowStakes #UnknownArmies #RebelScum #8Lanzas #Necronautilus #ExternalContainmentBureau #PartyFirst #die