Usually when I like a based-on-real-life story, it makes me want to learn what really happened. I read an article detailing the highlights of what was changed from the true story, so that was interesting too.
Congrats particularly to #KumailNanjiani, who was fantastic. No accolades for #KunalNayyar or #KalPenn even though they've probably gotten praise for this show too! 😀
#kumailnanjiani #KunalNayyar #KalPenn #welcometochippendales #hulu
#SimonHelberg #KunalNayyar #TBBT #TheBigBangTheory
“The Maternal Congruence“
#simonhelberg #tbbt #thebigbangtheory #KunalNayyar
#JimParsons #JohnnyGalecki #KunalNayyar #TBBT #TheBigBangTheory
“The Guitarist Amplification“
#jimparsons #johnnygalecki #KunalNayyar #tbbt #thebigbangtheory
#SimonHelberg #JohnnyGalecki #KunalNayyar #TBBT #TheBigBangTheory
“The Cornhusker Vortex“
#simonhelberg #johnnygalecki #KunalNayyar #tbbt #thebigbangtheory
#JohnnyGalecki #JimParsons #SimonHelberg #KunalNayyar #TBBT #TheBigBangTheory
“The Cornhusker Vortex“
#johnnygalecki #jimparsons #simonhelberg #KunalNayyar #tbbt #thebigbangtheory
#JimParsons #KunalNayyar #WilWheaton #StarTrek #TNG #TBBT #TheBigBangTheory
“The Creepy Candy Coating Corollary“
#jimparsons #KunalNayyar #wilwheaton #startrek #tng #tbbt #thebigbangtheory
#SimonHelberg #JohnnyGalecki #KunalNayyar #TheBigBangTheóry #TBBT
“The Electric Can Opener Fluctuation“
#simonhelberg #johnnygalecki #KunalNayyar #thebigbangtheory #tbbt