mara · @marzours
15 followers · 68 posts · Server

On the 7th and final day of the principle is Imani (Faith):

To believe with all our hearts in our people and the righteousness and victory of our struggle.

Thought of the day is a poem from Margaret Walker (1914-1997), the first African American poet to receive the Yale Younger Poets Prize.

Title: For My People

For my people everywhere singing their slave songs
repeatedly: their dirges and their ditties and their blues 
and jubilees, praying their prayers nightly to an
unknown god, bending their knees humbly to an
unseen power;

For my people lending their strength to the years, to the 
gone years and the now years and the maybe years,
washing ironing cooking scrubbing sewing mending
hoeing plowing digging planting pruning patching
dragging along never gaining never reaping never
knowing and never understanding;

For my playmates in the clay and dust and sand of Alabama
backyards playing baptizing and preaching and doctor
and jail and soldier and school and mama and cooking
and playhouse and concert and store and hair and Miss
Choomby and company;

For the cramped bewildered years we went to school to learn 
to know the reasons why and the answers to and the
people who and the places where and the days when, in
memory of the bitter hours when we discovered we
were black and poor and small and different and nobody
cared and nobody wondered and nobody understood;

For the boys and girls who grew in spite of these things to
be man and woman, to laugh and dance and sing and
play and drink their wine and religion and success, to
marry their playmates and bear children and then die
of consumption and anemia and lynching;

For my people thronging 47th Street in Chicago and Lenox
Avenue in New York and Rampart Street in New
Orleans, lost disinherited dispossessed and happy
people filling the cabarets and taverns and other
people’s pockets needing bread and shoes and milk and
land and money and something—something all our own;

For my people walking blindly spreading joy, losing time
being lazy, sleeping when hungry, shouting when
burdened, drinking when hopeless, tied, and shackled
and tangled among ourselves by the unseen creatures
who tower over us omnisciently and laugh;

For my people blundering and groping and floundering in
the dark of churches and schools and clubs and
societies, associations and councils and committees and 
conventions, distressed and disturbed and deceived and
devoured by money-hungry glory-craving leeches,
preyed on by facile force of state and fad and novelty, by
false prophet and holy believer;

For my people standing staring trying to fashion a better way
from confusion, from hypocrisy and misunderstanding,
trying to fashion a world that will hold all the people,
all the faces, all the adams and eves and their countless

Let a new earth rise. Let another world be born. Let a
bloody peace be written in the sky. Let a second
generation full of courage issue forth; let a people
loving freedom come to growth. Let a beauty full of
healing and a strength of final clenching be the pulsing
in our spirits and our blood. Let the martial songs
be written, let the dirges disappear. Let a race of men now rise and take control.

#kwanzaa #Kwanza

Last updated 2 years ago

mara · @marzours
15 followers · 67 posts · Server

the 6th principle of is Kuumba (Creativity)

To do always as much as we can to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it.

I know a wonderful woman doing just that in Idlewild, Michigan. Idlewild was once known as "Black Eden" she was raised there and continues to make the place better today than yesterday! She has no idea I am posting this, it is not an ad for her tours, it's to showcase her creativity with her connections to her place.

#kwanzaa #Kwanza

Last updated 2 years ago

ThisGeekRH🏳️‍🌈 · @thisgeekrh
14 followers · 15 posts · Server
RS · @sfwrtr
8 followers · 42 posts · Server

Am I sick of , yet? As an avid fan of Korean drama, and someone who streams all music, and who reads feeds I curate; and as someone who buys most everything online and not at department stores... no. (RS plans ahead.)

The only holiday music I've heard thus far was in a fantasy kids' show which created multiple fantasy winter holidays—and music to go with them(!), bypassing , , , and altogether. Fun 45 minutes spent. No recommendation for the show if you guessed which I referred to.

I may actually seek out some of this music soon.

PS: I've watched over 50 subtitled shows at this point. Funny how when you look away, you stop understand what the actors are saying...

#christmasmusic #christmas #hannukah #Kwanza #festivus #bahhumbug #kdrama

Last updated 2 years ago