Today 🇪🇺EU Ambassador Designate @BelenCalvoEU together with new members of the @EUinRW team visited the @Kigali_Memorial to pay tribute to the victims of the Genocide Against the Tutsi.
#Kwibuka28 #NeverAgain
🕯Today we paid tribute to the victims of the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi including staff of the European Commission in Rwanda🕯 . Together we also honour the resilience of Rwandans to reconcile and reconstruct the country from ashes. #Kwibuka28 #RememberUniteRenew
#Kwibuka28 #RememberUniteRenew
RT @Unity_MemoryRw: On Monday 11th April 2022 at 10 am, @Unity_MemoryRw and @RwandaMFA are holding a conversation with diplomats in #Rwanda related to #Kwibuka28 #RememberUniteRenew
#Rwanda #Kwibuka28 #RememberUniteRenew
The 🇪🇺EU Delegation in 🇷🇼Rwanda joins all Rwandans to commemorate the 28th anniversary of the Genocide Against the Tutsi by reaffirming #NeverAgain. We pay tribute to all victims and stand in solidarity with the survivors. #Kwibuka28 🕯
RT @eliodirupo: 🕯En ce jour, j'ai une pensée pour les victimes du génocide perpétré contre les Tutsi au #Rwanda et pour les 10 casques bleus belges de l'ONU assassinés lors de ce génocide. #Kwibuka28🇷🇼🇧🇪
RT @nicolabellomo: #Kwibuka28 Today I have joined Amb @bertversmessen @BelgiumRwanda @RwandaMFA and @UNRwanda at #CampKigali to honour 10 Belgian #UN peacekeepers murdered during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in #Rwanda @EUinRW @eu_eeas
#Kwibuka28 #CampKigali #UN #Rwanda
RT @BelgiumRwanda: 🇧🇪🕊🪖
Today at #CampKigali we honored the 10 Belgian UN peacekeepers murdered on the first day of the Genocide against the Tutsi 28 years ago. They showed courage and dedication in their mission to protect the Rwandan population and deserve our deepest respect.
RT @eucopresident: Today the world remembers the victims of the genocide against the Tutsi in #Rwanda.
The resilience of millions of people to reconcile and reconstruct a country from the ashes is a lesson for all of us.
Remember. Unite. Renew.
@KwibukaRwanda #Kwibuka28 #AUEU
RT @JosepBorrellF: Today, we stand in solidarity with all Rwandans to commemorate the Genocide against the Tutsi.
And we commend #Rwanda for the resilience of its people 28 years after one of the worst atrocities in history.
#Rwanda #Kwibuka28 #NeverAgain #AUEU
🕯En ce jour, j'ai une pensée pour les victimes du génocide perpétré contre les Tutsi au #Rwanda et pour les 10 casques bleus belges de l'ONU assassinés lors de ce génocide. #Kwibuka28🇷🇼🇧🇪
Today we commemorate the International Day of Reflection on the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda.
We will always remember & honor victims of this tragedy and work to prevent genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes & mass atrocities.
Watch the #Kwibuka28 @UNWebTV
RT @JosepBorrellF: Today, we stand in solidarity with all Rwandans to commemorate the Genocide against the Tutsi.
And we commend #Rwanda for the resilience of its people 28 years after one of the worst atrocities in history.
#Rwanda #Kwibuka28 #NeverAgain #AUEU
Today the world remembers the victims of the genocide against the Tutsi in #Rwanda.
The resilience of millions of people to reconcile and reconstruct a country from the ashes is a lesson for all of us.
Remember. Unite. Renew.
@KwibukaRwanda #Kwibuka28 #AUEU
RT @EUatUN: Today we commemorate the International Day of Reflection on the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda.
We will always remember & honor victims of this tragedy and work to prevent genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes & mass atrocities.
Watch the #Kwibuka28 @UNWebTV
The 🇪🇺EU Delegation in 🇷🇼Rwanda joins all Rwandans to commemorate the 28th anniversary of the Genocide Against the Tutsi by reaffirming #NeverAgain. We pay tribute to all victims and stand in solidarity with the survivors. #Kwibuka28 🕯
Today, we stand in solidarity with all Rwandans to commemorate the Genocide against the Tutsi.
And we commend #Rwanda for the resilience of its people 28 years after one of the worst atrocities in history.
#Rwanda #Kwibuka28 #NeverAgain #AUEU
"Hoy el mundo recuerda a las víctimas del genocidio contra los tutsi en #Ruanda
La resiliencia de millones de personas para reconciliarse y reconstruir un país desde las cenizas es una lección para todos nosotros.
Recordar. Unir. Renovar." @eucopresident
#Kwibuka28 #AUEU
RT @eucopresident: Today the world remembers the victims of the genocide against the Tutsi in #Rwanda.
The resilience of millions of people to reconcile and r…
#Ruanda #Kwibuka28 #AUEU #Rwanda
RT @JosepBorrellF: Today, we stand in solidarity with all Rwandans to commemorate the Genocide against the Tutsi.
And we commend #Rwanda for the resilience of its people 28 years after one of the worst atrocities in history.
#Rwanda #Kwibuka28 #NeverAgain #AUEU
🇷🇼 Il y a 28 ans, le 7 avril 1994, débutait le génocide des #Tutsis au #Rwanda. Un million de vies perdues, des millions d’autres brisées.. Ne jamais oublier. #preventgenocide @KwibukaRwanda #Kwibuka28 @EUinRW @PaulKagame @eucopresident
#Tutsis #Rwanda #preventgenocide #Kwibuka28
RT @BNMarkussen: 28th Commemoration today in the Mandela Hall of the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi in #Rwanda 🕯. More than one million Tutsi massacred. We all have to work hard to prevent it from ever happening again anywhere in the world. #Kwibuka28 #AUEU @AUC_MoussaFaki @RwandainAddis @EUtoAU