Los Angeles was drying up and blowing away in 2022 but dang if the plus side wasn't all the good biking days last winter and spring. This year's already proven much wetter than last and as a result it's January 11 and I'm grumbling because I've only bike commuted twice in 2023. #ToLiveAndBikeInLA #LABike #BikeLA
#BikeLA #LABike #ToLiveAndBikeInLA
3/3 Last workday bike commute of 2022 proved to be a little damp through the latter half (as seen in the rain drops that kept falling on my helmetcam lens). Here's three water-obscured clips to memorialize the trip... #ToLiveAndBikeInLA #LABike #BikeLA
#BikeLA #LABike #ToLiveAndBikeInLA
2/3 Last workday bike commute of 2022 proved to be a little damp through the latter half (as seen in the rain drops that kept falling on my helmetcam lens). Here's three water-obscured clips to memorialize the trip... #ToLiveAndBikeInLA #LABike #BikeLA
#BikeLA #LABike #ToLiveAndBikeInLA
1/3 Last workday bike commute of 2022 proved to be a little damp through the latter half (as seen in the rain drops that kept falling on my helmetcam lens). Here's three water-obscured clips to memorialize the trip... #ToLiveAndBikeInLA #LABike #BikeLA
#BikeLA #LABike #ToLiveAndBikeInLA
Today's Gasshole: Drivers like this who first off don't know that the eff they're doing much less how their lame actions negatively impact others. Why look around, signal and pull to the wide open curb when you can just cut off this guy on a bike by drifting to a stop in the bike lane? #ToLiveAndBikeInLA #LABike
I've said it before and I'll say it again: My favorite gift of the holiday season in Los Angeles are the far less-crowded roadways. Yes, that is me chuckling as I merge unimpeded, unthreatened and unencumbered into the empty vehicular traffic lane on Adams Boulevard. #ToLiveAndBikeInLA #LABike