The EU needs to diversify its supplies of critical raw materials. Could friendshoring to #LAC countries be the answer?
@ClaraAguilera7 @Arlukowicz @SR_Baldassarre @JRBauza @beghin_t @IzaskunBilbaoB
EU and Latin America and the Caribbean have a long history of partnership and cooperation in disaster preparedness.
For 30 years we have been learning from each other and strengthening resilience across the #LAC.
Together with @UNDRR we contine to build a safer future for all.
Fruitful discussion today with @HeadUNDRR. Thanks to the restless work of our partners, EU has been strengthening disaster preparedness in Latin America and the Caribbean by sharing expertise, implementing programmes and improving the resilience of people facing disasters.
🫱🏾🫲🏼 Fruitful exchange between our director, @annaterronc, and @MyriamFerran (@EU_Partnerships) 🇪🇺 on how to continue reinforcing partnerships with #LAC administrations on shared values & interests: justice, security and social cohesion.
À 2 semaines du Sommet #NouveauPacteFinancier à Paris, ravie de pouvoir compter sur l’engagement et l’ambition de @el_BID et de son nouveau Président @igoldfajn. @AFD_France #EU #LAC #Climat
RT @igoldfajn: Great meeting on the relationship between #EU and #LAC, innovative financial instruments for #development #impact, the Amazon, and others, with @CZacharopoulou. Looking forward to continuing our conversation in two weeks at @_Focus2030.
#NouveauPacteFinancier #EU #LAC #climat #development #impact
RT @eulatnetwork: @europarl_en Sesión en #AFET: qué significan nuevas políticas entre 🇪🇺 y #LAC? @JASanahuja
🎯 No deben centrarse sólo en relaciones económicos, sino priorizar #democracia, #derechoshumanos, #medioambiente, personas defensoras y comunidades indígenas 👉 @jordisolef
#AFET #LAC #democracia #DerechosHumanos #MedioAmbiente
RT @MZEZ_RS: #FAC | MZEZ @tfajon: 🇸🇮 je aktivna pri vzpostavljanju enakovrednih partnerstev s partnerji iz Afrike, #LAC, #MENA, #ZahodniBalkan in Srednje Azije, ki temejijo na njihovih potrebah & reševanju skupnih izzivov. Ne smemo govoriti o naših partnerjih, ne da bi ti sedeli za isto mizo.
#FAC #LAC #MENA #ZahodniBalkan
RT @eulacfoundation: The Dialogue between research centres and decision makers from the #EU and #LAC, coorganised by @eulacfoundation and @Red_Carolina, concluded with reflections on how to renew the birregional partnership
Thanks to the speakers and participants for their contributions to the debate
"Always a pleasure to talk with 🇩🇴FM @RobalsdqAlvarez.
We remain united in defending international law in the face of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine.
Together we promote EU relations with #LAC. We also addressed the situation in #Venezuela and #Haiti"
RT @JosepBorrellF: Siempre un placer conversar con Canciller @RobalsdqAlvarez
Seguimos unidos defendiendo derecho internacional frente la guerra rusa de agresión contra Ucrania.
Impulsamos juntos relaci…
Vicepresidenta @EU_Commission @vestager presentará mañana a las 12.30 hrs en @uchile el Centro Regional @CopernicusEU para #LAC, que extenderá repositorio de datos a la región, proveerá servicios de monitoreo de cobertura y uso del suelo de grandes urbes y de costas de la región.
#BREAKING : More than 300 Chinese soldiers and aproxx 150 Indian soldiers were part of Tawang clashes. Approx 100 Chinese soldiers injured, 12 captured by IA ( later released) while number of injured IA Soldiers are less than 20.
#ArunachalPradesh #LAC (Sources) (File Video)
#BREAKING #arunachalpradesh #LAC
RT @MZZRS: Minister @tfajon & 🇪🇸 FM @jmalbares addressed participants of the event "Road to 2023: #D4Dhub in action for #EU-#LAC Digital Cooperation", hosted by @SLOtoEU. Strengthening relations w/ LAC region, together w/ enhancing #digitalization, are important part of our foreign policy.
#D4DHub #EU #LAC #digitalization
🗣️The & are pleased to present the Third Dialogue on Climate Action and #Women.
🖥️ Zoom:
👆Register here for the virtual participation
📢: Science, Technology and Innovation for sustainable and inclusive development.
🕝: Tomorrow 15h00 - 18h00 GMT-3
🎯: Celso Furtado Room #UNECLAC
What is the role of #Science #Tecnology and #Innovation policy in #LAC recovery strategies?
How can #Science, #Technology, and #Innovation best help achieve the #SDGs and #OurCommonAgenda?
Join our discussion on how public policies can help harness the power of STI for #SDGs and #sustainabledevelopment.
#UNECLAC #science #Tecnology #innovation #LAC #technology #sdgs #OurCommonAgenda #sustainabledevelopment #latinamerica
RT @MZZRS: 🇸🇮🤝🇺🇾
Ministrica @tfajon se bo srečala z zunanjim ministrom Urugvaja Franciscom Bustillom. Govorila bosta o dvostranskem in multilateralnem sodelovanju ter krepitvi odnosov med #EU ter Latinsko Ameriko in Karibi #LAC. Srečala se bo tudi s predstavniki slovenske skupnosti.
1) Continuing his #LAC trip in Argentina, HR/VP @JosepBorrellF met with President @alferdez, Vice-President @CFKArgentina and FM @SantiagoCafiero, with whom he discussed EU-Mercosur agreement, Russia's invasion of Ukraine & announced a 🇪🇺🇦🇷Memorandum of Understanding on energy.
1) Continuando su viaje #LAC en Argentina,@JosepBorrellF se reunió con el presidente @alferdez, el vicepresidente @CFKArgentina y el ME @SantiagoCafiero, con quienes discutió el acuerdo UE-Mercosur, la invasión de 🇷🇺 a 🇺🇦 y anunció un 🇪🇺🇦🇷 Memorando de Entendimiento sobre energía
RT @eu_eeas: 1) Continuing his #LAC trip in Argentina, HR/VP @JosepBorrellF met with President @alferdez, Vice-President @CFKArgentina and FM @SantiagoCaf…
With my visit to 🇨🇴 and 🇵🇦 I wished to express 🇪🇺's continued support to often forgotten crises.
People in the #LAC region are faced with hardship due to overlapping complex emergencies.
The EU stands by them also by allocating €153 million in humanitarian funding for 2022.
El #RoadMap Latinoamérica se empieza a plasmar en varios países latinoamericanos. Felicitaciones @JanezLenarcic @ECHO_LatAm
RT @JanezLenarcic: A pleasure to inaugurate the new @EU_ECHO regional office in Panama. Our field network is the backbone of EU’s humanitarian aid. The office will serve as a strategic pole to coordinate operations in the #LAC region and enhance collaboration with humanitarian actors & authorities.