The link between environmental health & economic prosperity is clear in #LatAm & the Caribbean.
80% of them want the government to focus more on the environment & sustainable growth than the economic growth at any cost. #FinanceInCommon2023 #ClimateSurvey
#LATAM #FinanceInCommon2023 #ClimateSurvey
Today at the #EULAC Business Round Table, key decision makers from #EU, #LatAm & the #Caribbean will explore ways to cooperate on:
💚 Fair green transition
⛏️ Sustainable mining of critical raw minerals
🔌 Digital economy
🍽️ Food security
Follow live
Tomorrow the #EULAC Business Round Table gathers decision makers from #Europe, #LatAm & the #Caribbean to explore #investment opportunities in:
💡 green energy
⛏️ critical raw materials
🔌 digitalisation for public services
💚 sustainable finance & green bonds
Watch tomorrow ⤵️
#EULAC #Europe #LATAM #caribbean #investment
3️⃣ days until the EU-CELAC Summit! On 17/07, key decision-makers from both regions will join the #EULAC Business Round Table, a public-private dialogue on #trade, #investment & #cooperation.
#DYK? the 🇪🇺 is the top source of foreign direct investment in #LatAm & the #Caribbean?
#EULAC #trade #investment #cooperation #DYK #LATAM #caribbean
¿#SabíasQue la UE 🇪🇺 es la principal fuente de inversión extranjera directa #IED en América Latina y el Caribe?
El 17 de julio se celebrará la Mesa Redonda de Negocios #UELAC , un diálogo público-privado sobre #comercio, #inversión y #cooperación.
<div class="rsshub-quote">
EU International Partnerships 🇪🇺: Did you know the #EU is the top source of foreign direct investment in #LatAm & the #Caribbean?
On 17/07, key decision-makers from both regions will join the #EULAC Business Round Table, a public-private dialogue on #trade, #investment & #cooperation.
#SabíasQue #IED #UELAC #comercio #inversión #cooperación #EU #LATAM #caribbean #EULAC #trade #investment #cooperation
Did you know the #EU is the top source of foreign direct investment in #LatAm & the #Caribbean?
On 17/07, key decision-makers from both regions will join the #EULAC Business Round Table, a public-private dialogue on #trade, #investment & #cooperation.
#EU #LATAM #caribbean #EULAC #trade #investment #cooperation
🇻🇪 La inhabilitación del régimen a @MariaCorinaYA y a otros miembros de la oposición necesita una respuesta enérgica por parte de la UE.
El silencio del Sr. Borrell pone en duda nuestro compromiso con la democracia en #Latam.
Exigimos elecciones libres y con garantías.
Nueva semana en el @europarl_es.
🇪🇺Reuniones de comisiones @EP_ForeignAff @EP_HumanRights y deleg #LatAm,GB. Continuamos con la preparación de mi informe Turquía.
🟢⚪️⚫️He invitado a los coordinadores de las 9 #EscuelasEmbajadorasExtremeñas
⬇️+info en mi agenda semanal⬇️
#LATAM #EscuelasEmbajadorasExtremeñas
In life, Ms. Kodama was devoted to Mr. Borges, one of the towering figures of 20th-century Latin American #literature. Mr. Borges was some 38 years older than her, and by the time she began working for and with him, he had lost his eyesight. | #mariakodama #JorgeLuisBorges #kodama #Borges #obituary #LATAM @nytimes
#literature #mariakodama #JorgeLuisBorges #kodama #borges #obituary #LATAM
🇻🇪 RT: "Este año se cumplen 6 años de las protestas del 2017 en Venezuela:
143 asesinados.
Miles de heridos y presos.
4 meses de rebelión popular en protesta.
Lo intentamos, sin duda."⤵️
#Venezuela #democracy #Protestas #DDHH #Presos #Latinoamérica #Humanrights #LatinAmerica #Latam
#venezuela #democracy #protestas #ddhh #presos #latinoamerica #humanrights #latinamerica #LATAM
Nearly all his #fiction was rooted in his life experience — his mother liked to remark that it was written in code and she carried the key — and drew recurring themes from his obsession with love, memory, absolute power and a search for collective identity. #GGM #Gabo #GabrielGarcíaMárquez #literature #LATAM #books @nytimes
#fiction #ggm #gabo #GabrielGarciaMarquez #literature #LATAM #books
By contrast, Mexico which is also considered Upper Middle Income by GDP only invests 0.33% in R&D. Similar situation in other #LATAM countries, example Chile (0.34%), Colombia (0.28%), etc, considered Upper/Lower Middle Income but where %GDP investment in R&D is similar or below countries in the Low Income category, i.e. Ghana invests 0.38% GDP in R&D.
Yet access to reduced registration/publication/membership fees is generally based on World Bank categories, putting scientists at disadvantage.
Reunión con jóvenes representantes de partidos políticos de México, Costa Rica, Argentina, Colombia, Paraguay y Venezuela.
Hablamos sobre cómo potenciar las relaciones UE - #LATAM y el rol de los partidos de centroderecha en el fortalecimiento de las relaciones birregionales.
GLOW Artist LUDMILLA Has Found Happiness in Family, Music, and Connection
Check it out! 👇
#SpotifyGlow #Ludmilla #Lgbtqia+ #LatinAmerica #Latam #Brazil #BehindMic
#spotifyglow #ludmilla #lgbtqia #latinamerica #LATAM #brazil #behindmic
A Artista GLOW, LUDMILLA, Encontrou a Felicidade na Família, Música e Amigos
Check it out! 👇
#SpotifyGlow #Portuguese #Ludmilla #Lgbtqia+ #Latam #Brazil #BehindMic
#spotifyglow #portuguese #ludmilla #lgbtqia #LATAM #brazil #behindmic
#Mexico’s lax environmental laws and even more lax enforcement encourages American companies to offload used car #batteries to the country, where labor is cheaper and unions are weaker, according to experts in labor rights and occupational health. | #environment #pollution #LATAM @nytimes
#mexico #batteries #environment #pollution #LATAM
President Xiomara Castro of #Honduras signed an executive order on Wednesday, lifting a 2009 ban on emergency contraceptive pills. But, in a country that is heavily Catholic, Ms. Castro’s order still found resistance | #contraceptives #LatAm @nytimes
#honduras #contraceptives #LATAM
The changes, which will cut the electoral agency’s staff, diminish its autonomy and limit its ability to punish politicians for breaking electoral laws, are the most significant in a series of moves by #Mexico's president. @nytimes #elections #LATAM
Como siempre #conciertos próximos de #samsmith en #LATAM y que pasará después del 2 de #abril #April
#wishlistwednesday #conciertos #SamSmith #LATAM #abril #April
A pcipios del SXX los proyectos autoritarios (fascismo) o que derivaron en autoritarisms (comunismo) se legitimaban apelando a marcos ideológicos, prometían sociedades mejores (nos parezca lo que nos parezca). Después de 1945, los autoritarismos (que tanto abundaron en #latam) mostraron esquizofrenia ideológica: dictadura hoy que promete democracia mañana. Los líderes autoritarios de hoy ¿comparten un marco ideológico o responden a patrones distintos aunque muestren estrategias semejantes?