#GOP #DeSantis #Floridabookbanning #Florida #Trans #Lbgtiq #LBGT
Gotta give it to DeSantis, a governor whose priorities are beat up on LBGT of all ages, teachers, books and any ideas that might cause a little discomfort to racists, anti-Semites and just plain haters of all stripes!
But deal with the state's insurance problems? Too Busy!
Another Insurance company leaving the state!!
Farmers Insurance is leaving Florida in latest blow to homeowners
#gop #desantis #floridabookbanning #florida #trans #LBGTIQ #lbgt
#GOP #Florida #Desantis #Lbgt #Lbgtiq
Major Pole-Dancing Convention Cancels Florida Event Due To Ron DeSantis' Anti-LGBTQ Laws
“It’s just too risky to go to Florida,” Colleen Jolly, the CEO of the International Pole Convention, told HuffPost.
#gop #florida #desantis #lbgt #LBGTIQ
#ClarenceThomas #SupremeCourt #SCOTUS #USPol #USPolitics #NotHumor #GOP #Florida #Floridabookbanning #DeSantis #WOKE #Qanon #Trans #Lbgtiq #Lbgt
#politics #clarencethomas #supremecourt #scotus #uspol #uspolitics #nothumor #gop #florida #floridabookbanning #desantis #woke #qanon #trans #LBGTIQ #lbgt
#ClarenceThomas #SupremeCourt #SCOTUS #USPol #USPolitics #NotHumor #GOP #Florida #Floridabookbanning #DeSantis #WOKE #Qanon #Trans #Lbgtiq #Lbgt
#politics #clarencethomas #supremecourt #scotus #uspol #uspolitics #nothumor #gop #florida #floridabookbanning #desantis #woke #qanon #trans #LBGTIQ #lbgt
Best wishes for 2023!! #irishterriers #diving #abstractart #lbgtiq
#LBGTIQ #abstractart #diving #irishterriers
#Malaysia #Elections #IslamicDemocracy #ProgressiveIslam #LBGTIQ
#anwaribrahim elected PM of Malaysia.
1) He has progressive views on combining #Islam and #Democracy
2) He spent time in gaol for 'sodomy' charges and his 'rehabilitation' shows electorate rejecting #homophobia
3) More young voters registered to vote this time, if their votes went to Ibrahim it suggests long-term trends are progressive
1) He is v. old. Same generation as #Corbyn #Sanders. Who are his successors?
#sanders #corbyn #homophobia #democracy #islam #anwaribrahim #LBGTIQ #progressiveislam #islamicdemocracy #elections #malaysia
Ein Fortschritt. Leider keine Selbstverständlichkeit. #LBGTIQ #LGBTQIA+ #queer
RT @helenadalli: I discussed some of my top equality priorities at @TheProgressives S&D conference A Europe of equal opportunity in #Wrocław:
• an equality-sensitive EU response to war in #Ukraine
• a new #EUCareStrategy
• seeing national #LBGTIQ action plans in place
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RobertBiedron/status/1533143379751616517
#Wrocław #Ukraine #EUCareStrategy #LBGTIQ #UnionOfEquality
I discussed some of my top equality priorities at @TheProgressives S&D conference A Europe of equal opportunity in #Wrocław:
• an equality-sensitive EU response to war in #Ukraine
• a new #EUCareStrategy
• seeing national #LBGTIQ action plans in place
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/helenadalli/status/1533143087886876675
#Wrocław #Ukraine #EUCareStrategy #LBGTIQ #UnionOfEquality
#EULEX’s monitoring of cases has shown limited progress in the identification, investigation and adjudication of criminal offences motivated by hate targeting #LBGTIQ+ people.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EULEXKosovo/status/1526473469617225729
Die Europäische Union ist nun offiziell eine #LGBTIQFreedomZone. Regenbögen, Flaggen, Küsse vor dem Parlamentsgebäude. Eine nette Geste des Europaparlaments.
Es bleibt allerdings vorerst nur eine Geste, solange sich Mitgliedsländer wie Polen weiterhin offen gegen #LBGTIQ stellen. Dort soll nun Adoption für gleichgeschlechtliche Paare vollständig verboten werden. Und auch andernorts bleiben wir von Gleichberechtigung weit entfernt. (1)