@agrinsted @Ruth_Mottram One of the problems with valleys is „Draping or overriding: The effect of horizontal stress gradients on internal layer architecture in ice sheets“ when construing bed #topography from surface properties. Another one is a potential layer of stagnant ice not topographically confined, eg at Little Dome C #LDC though less likely in temperate ice.
The United Nations "least developed countries (LDCs)" is a list of "low-income countries with severe structural impediments to sustainable development and highly vulnerable to economic and environmental shocks and have low levels of human assets." 🌐
From South Asia, Bangladesh and Nepal are on the LDC list, but Bangladesh has progressed well enough that it is expected to be removed from this list in the next review.
RT @a_vesiculosa
Busy days around the ice core drilling sites of @OldestIce and @MillionYearIce at the end of the season at #LDC, Antarktica. @CopernicusEU Sentinel-2 imagery, 19.01.23
RT @CNMC_ES@twitter.com
#Competencia| La #CNMC multa al laboratorio #Leadiant con 10,25 millones de euros por vender a un precio excesivo su #medicamento huérfano para el tratamiento de una enfermedad rara.💊
#Competencia #CNMC #Leadiant #medicamento #Competition #posicióndedominio #antitrust #LDC
RT @CNMC_ES@twitter.com
#Competencia| La #CNMC multa al laboratorio #Leadiant con 10,25 millones de euros por vender a un precio excesivo su #medicamento huérfano para el tratamiento de una enfermedad rara.💊
#Excessivepricing #Competencia #CNMC #Leadiant #medicamento #Competition #posicióndedominio #antitrust #LDC
Depi m piti m Fanatik Bayern😂🔥RDV 2023,Priye Bondye Pou l fè w wè l🙏 Bayern vs PSG 1/8 de Finale #LDC
🇧🇩 Good discussion with Bangladesh Trade Minister Tipu Minshi on our bilateral trade relationship, also in light of their upcoming graduation from #LDC status.
We are both committed to a good outcome at the #MC12 Ministerial at @WTO.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/VDombrovskis/status/1536639074718597120
RT @RevolteRevoltee: Et ben, et ben...
Il aura fallu que ce soit des supporters de foot qui se fassent gazer et matraquer pour que certains comprennent ce qu'on subit les #GiletsJaunes ...
Mieux vaut tard que jamais !