RT @UNWTO: At the #LDC5 Conference, UNWTO highlighted tourism’s potential for sustainable growth in Least Developed Countries.
With the sector accounting for 7% of total exports tourism has proven its power to drive development and achieve the @globalgoalsun.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ElenaKountoura/status/1634834519177166849
RT @LisaLsDunia: La 🇫🇷 etait à #Doha pour la conférence #LDC5 de l'ONU sur les pays moins avancés. Une semaine de dialogue et d'action pour la #solidarité internationale.
⚠️ Prochain étape : sommet pour un Nouveau Pacte Financier Global qui se tiendra en juin à Paris! Merci @CZacharopoulou
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CZacharopoulou/status/1634624847488733186
👉🏻La Banque européenne d'investissement 🇪🇺 s'engage à soutenir le #Togo 🇹🇬
RT @DogbeVictoire: Échanges fructueux avec M. @ostrosthomas, Vice Président la @EIB . Nous avons convenu de renforcer notre coopération, en particulier autour des projets structurants dans les secteurs de l’énergie, de l’agriculture et de l’eau.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AmbUETogo/status/1633726771353853953
RT @EIBGlobal: We are committed to accelerating sustainable infrastructure🌍- built on solid foundations, literally and metaphorically: good design, high standards, best practice & transparency says VP @OstrosThomas at #LDC5 roundtable on structural transformation #GlobalGateway
We must find new ways to channel the full firepower and ingenuity of the private sector says EIB VP @OstrosThomas laying out at #LDC5 how @EIBGlobal mobilises private investment in the world’s Least Developed Countries. #LDC5 #GlobalGateway @UNOHRLLS http://Bit.ly/3ydTCf9
RT @BelenCalvoEU: Investing in health through #GlobalGateway: From Potential to Prosperity #LDC5
🇪🇺🤝🇷🇼 Working together in Manufacturing and Access to Vaccines, Medicines and health technology products.
@JuttaUrpilainen @PrimatureRwanda
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinRW/status/1633495338102169601
From #LDC5 in Doha to snowy Stockholm! ☃️
Before the informal meeting of 🇪🇺 Development Ministers tomorrow, I‘ll have time to speak with @TobiasBillstrom, @JohanForssell, @Sida, 🇸🇪 companies, civil society and youth.
✔️Topics: #GlobalGateway updates and key @sweden2023eu files.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JuttaUrpilainen/status/1633476125065199616
Congratulations @UNHighRep for such an interesting #LDC5. Doha Programme of Action paves a path for more partners to graduate.
A lot of work remains to be done - implementation is now key, including through #GlobalGateway.
You can count on our support.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JuttaUrpilainen/status/1633347636521492480
#LDC5 | Tous mobilisés à #Doha pour un système financier international plus juste & plus efficace.
J’ai présenté les objectifs du sommet pour un nouveau pacte financier global à mes homologues du #Bangladesh🇧🇩 de #Tanzanie🇹🇿 & du #Malawi 🇲🇼 .
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CZacharopoulou/status/1633326951552151552
#LDC5 #Doha #Bangladesh #Tanzanie #Malawi
RT @EUAmbNepal: 🇪🇺 supports 🇳🇵 LDC graduation 👇🏼 High level meeting at #LDC5
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinNepal/status/1633258312090402816
#Doha | À la conférence de l'ONU 🇺🇳 pour les pays moins avancés, j'ai souligné l'engagement de la #France et du Président @EmmanuelMacron pour un système financier international plus réactif, plus juste et plus solidaire.
Rendez-vous au Sommet de #Paris en juin ! #LDC5 #PMA
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CZacharopoulou/status/1633216434124779520
#Doha #France #Paris #LDC5 #PMA
RT @EIBGlobal: At a #LDC5 panel on global health, VP @OstrosThomas underlines the need to
☑️strengthen health systems
☑️advance universal health coverage
☑️work with #TeamEurope to boost Africa’s capacity to produce key medication & vaccines
☑️deliver on @UN #SDGs health goal
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUatUN/status/1633191922008309760
#LDC5 #TeamEurope #SDGs #GlobalGateway
RT @UN_SDG: Today, in Doha with EU Commissioner @JuttaUrpilainen!
Strong 🇪🇺EU-🇺🇳UN partnership lifts our Resident Coordinators leading @UN teams in the world's Least Developed Countries (LDCs). Our joint goal is helping countries deliver on the promise of #LDC5 and the #GlobalGoals.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUatUN/status/1633191527500378118
At the 5th @UN Conference on Least Developed Countries #LDC5 in Doha, #TeamEurope, 🇪🇺Commissioner @JuttaUrpilainen with @EIBGlobal hosted a timely discussion on investing in health through #GlobalGateway: From Potential to Prosperity.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUatUN/status/1633131522273280001
#LDC5 #TeamEurope #GlobalGateway
News! Today, at the UN Conference on Least Developed Countries #LDC5 in Doha, the EU announced renewed support to @UN reform with a €17 million contribution.
More on 🇪🇺EU support to the 🇺🇳UN Resident Coordinator System➡️ https://international-partnerships.ec.europa.eu/news-and-events/news/eu-un-cooperation-eu-announces-support-un-reform-more-efficiency-partner-countries-2023-03-07_en
📸@AminaJMohammed with UN RCs
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUatUN/status/1633127488782999554
RT @sumuvuori: Had the opportunity to meet with 🇪🇺 Commissioner for International Partnerships @JuttaUrpilainen at the #LDC5 Conference in Doha. The EU is the largest aid provider to the Least Developed Countries (LDCs). 🇫🇮🇪🇺
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JuttaUrpilainen/status/1633201836185513984
Greetings from Doha and 🇺🇳 #LDC5!
It has been a productive day and excellent opportunity to touch base with partner countries from every corner of the world.
Joint priorities in every meeting: from fragilities to resilience, from recipient to partner, leaving no one behind.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JuttaUrpilainen/status/1633201297032609799
RT @SDGaction: At #LDC5 @SDGMediaZone: Watch the session on how we can #FlipTheScript for sustainable development through solidarity and p'ships. @JuttaUrpilainen of @EU_Commission and @pontimari talked about innovative approaches to address development challenges ➡️https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pECZmIc96s8&feature=youtu.be
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JuttaUrpilainen/status/1633192414096637952
RT @EUatUN: At the 5th @UN Conference on Least Developed Countries #LDC5 in Doha, #TeamEurope, 🇪🇺Commissioner @JuttaUrpilainen with @EIBGlobal hosted a timely discussion on investing in health through #GlobalGateway: From Potential to Prosperity.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JuttaUrpilainen/status/1633179260025290752
#LDC5 #TeamEurope #GlobalGateway
The only way to deliver transformative results for partner countries on the ground is multilateral cooperation and coordination.
🇪🇺 supports 🇺🇳 Resident Coordinator System with €17 million.
🙌 👏 with #LDC5 Resident Coordinators, our key partners.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JuttaUrpilainen/status/1633178853664346119