Final Day: Bowser stands tall, arms and all! Nice, snappy technic joints keep his arms in good posing order. If I have proper shelf space Bowser will definitely fight the Garma Mecha Man mech, who equals the king in height. Super heavy, would not recommend on a glass shelf! But loads of fun, and I'm stoked he's a display piece. #LEGOSuperMario
Day 4: The big man has his big head, and it's very fun to pose his eyebrows! I greatly enjoy making Bowser grunt noises while using the mouth mechanism to open and close his maw. is by this point I can report I'm worried this lad will be too heavy to go in his planned spot on a glass IKEA shelf. Gonna have to weigh this catch when he's done! #LEGOSuperMario
Day 3: Not a lot of time to work on the big guy today, but I made sure to get the feet constructed. Very big, sturdy chunks that definitely are designed with the bulk in mind! I'm surprised that they don't offer much in movement, but I understand that's so the legs can't collapse from the weight. Tomorrow sees Bowser's lovely mug come to life! #LEGOSuperMario
Day 2: Primary torso constructed of big, bad Bowser. The piping making the lip of his shell is very clever, I like how it works! Tomorrow will see me begin the legs, and possibly the head if I feel like it. I also love the heft he's already packing. #LEGOSuperMario
Hello world! I'm embarking on my great post-holiday adventure: The Mighty Bowser! I absolutely adore what the LEGO designers have made with this large lad, and am excited to work on him bit by bit! This is definitely going to be across a few nights. #LEGOSuperMario
🎁 ¡No dejes para luego el SORTEAZO que puedes GANAR hoy! 🎁
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10 great gifts for every gamer this holiday season
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#Gamergiftguide #LEGOSuperMario #TheWitcher #Backbone #GamePass #GodofWar #logitech #pokemon #Guides #Skyrim #Lists #Steam #zelda #Halo #Tech
Sonntagnachts, wenn die Kinder schlafen, lädt man sich die 1,5GB #LegoSuperMario App herunter, um die Bauanleitungen für die auf #eBay günstig (meine Frau findet alles...) geschossenen Sets zu laden. Es muss ja geprüfte werden ob auch alle Teile dabei sind… waren sie. Das wird jetzt alles gut portioniert und dann in einen Adventskalender für die Kids verpackt.
We can’t wait to get our hands on the biggest LEGO Super Mario adult set ever. With 2,807 bricks, introducing: The Mighty Bowser.
RT @siggraph: We know what we're putting on our gift list 🎁 Have you seen LEGO's Super Mario 64 sets in honor of the game's 25th anniversary?! We wonder where Princess Peach is 🤔 #LEGOSuperMario #SuperMario64 #Games (cc: @CNET @LEGO_Group)
#LEGOSuperMario #supermario64 #games
🕹️ Du 20 Octobre au 20 Décembre 2020, relevez le défi visuel du #kaleiSOScope de #Noël de l’association ! ❄️
>>> (inscription gratuite)
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RT @LEGO_Group
Wa-hoooo, here we go! 🙌
#LEGO #LEGOSuperMario #Nintendo
#nintendo #LEGOSuperMario #lego
« Mario + #LEGO = ... ? #LEGOSuperMario !
👉 »
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Hier wird etwas Spannendes gebaut! Weitere Infos gibt's demnächst! #LEGO #LEGOSuperMario