LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions) can decentralize power production and provide abundant energy for all
Decentralize.TV - Episode 7 - July 27, 2023
#LENR #LowEnergyNuclearReactions #coldfusion #powergrid #electricity #power #decentralization #decentralized #decentralizeTV #James Martinez #abundance #physics #chemistry #generators #offgrid #MikeAdams #ToddPitner
#LENR #LowEnergyNuclearReactions #ColdFusion #powergrid #electricity #power #decentralization #decentralized #decentralizetv #james #abundance #physics #chemistry #generators #offgrid #MikeAdams #ToddPitner
Podcast: COLD FUSION could allow your electric car to CHARGE ITSELF while driving
- The tech is REAL, and commercialization is under way right now with BOILER manufacturers to heat water and buildings. #ColdFusion #LENR
Interesting take that it would be released after the "reset".
Sabine asks "if there's an actual reaction, how come there's no stories of labs blowing up?"
Well, Sabine, there are quite a few of those stories!
1. I think Paul Laviolette covers that topic well.
2. Zach's whistleblow info is quite telling! And I verified, it's true that Google censor such searches.
This is an amazing discovery!
#power #LENR #hottube #hydrogen
#ColdFusion, #LENR and Gonzalo Lira - a fascinating dive into the nature of reality