Hi new friends! I'm one of the many #TwitterRefugees here for a better experience. I love #dogsofmastadon and #photography. I'm a #publicschool #educator. I'm all about #mentalhealthcare #blacklivesmatter #LGBTQAIRights and #Womensrightsandgenderequality.
#twitterrefugees #dogsofmastadon #photography #publicschool #educator #mentalhealthcare #blacklivesmatter #LGBTQAIRights #Womensrightsandgenderequality
I'm also a staunch, outspoken advocate for (and continuously educating myself about) various #SocialIssues: #ClimateJustice, #Sustainability, #DisabilityRights, #ChronicIllnessAwareness, #BodilyAutonomy, #LGBTQAIRights, #TransRights, #BIPOCRights, #AntiRacism, #Neurodivergency, #BodyNeutrality, #IntersectionalFeminism, #DemocraticSocialism, and many others. (I generally keep my political/social rants confined to my personal FB tho, at least for now, so I won't be spamming ya'll with that.) 😉
#democraticsocialism #intersectionalfeminism #BodyNeutrality #neurodivergency #antiracism #BIPOCRights #transrights #LGBTQAIRights #bodilyautonomy #chronicillnessawareness #disabilityrights #sustainability #climatejustice #socialissues