"The survey covers four broad areas: periods and menopause; preventing and planning pregnancy; pregnancy experiences; and reproductive health conditions, such as endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome. The survey is for women and people described as female at birth, aged between 16 and 55, who live in England."
#nhs #womenshealth #afabhealth #lgbtqhealth #reproductivehealth #ukhealth #abortionuk #abortionishealthcare #ukfeminism #englandhealth #abortionrights
#abortionrights #englandhealth #ukfeminism #abortionishealthcare #abortionuk #ukhealth #reproductivehealth #LGBTQHealth #afabhealth #womenshealth #nhs
Please submit your #transgender #healthcare #research articles to #NCP #NeurologyClinicalPractice
#trans #nonbinary #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqhealth #lgbthealth #Neurology #NeurologyProud #AANleadership
#transgender #healthcare #research #ncp #neurologyclinicalpractice #trans #nonbinary #lgbt #lgbtq #LGBTQHealth #lgbthealth #neurology #neurologyproud #aanleadership
Wonderful, our article from #GreenburghPride was accepted at Neurologic Clinics. #FND #FNDAWARENESS in #LGBTQ #trans #transgender people.
Thank you Jack Turban, David Perez, Nicole Rosendale, Tina Maschi, & Jeff Waugh for your help with this important publication.
#LGBTQ #LGBTQhealth #lgbtqhealthcare #Neurology #lgbtqneurology #NeurologyProud
#GreenburghPride #FND #fndawareness #lgbtq #trans #transgender #LGBTQHealth #lgbtqhealthcare #neurology #lgbtqneurology #neurologyproud
#Transgender patients in #Utah, let’s fight back!
#LGBTQ #LGBTQHealth #LGBTQHealthcare #trans #transhealth #transgenderhealth #transhealthcare #transgenderhealthcare
#transgender #utah #lgbtq #LGBTQHealth #lgbtqhealthcare #trans #TransHealth #transgenderhealth #transhealthcare #TransgenderHealthcare
Looking forward to reading this paper by @juliemooneysomers and colleagues about adjusting a #queer women's periodic health survey for greater #trans and gender diversity inclusion https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09589236.2022.2162864 #lgbt #lgbtq #queerstudies #lgbtqhealth #genderdiversity
#queer #trans #lgbt #lgbtq #queerstudies #LGBTQHealth #genderdiversity
3. I have no problem talking about my gender identity and gender history to almost anyone.
4. It is a gift that my gender identity is different from my #sex assigned at birth.
5. I am like other people but I am also special because my gender identity is different from my sex assigned at birth.
#LGBT #LGBTQ #LGBTQI #LGBThealth #LGBThealthcare #LGBTQhealth #LGBTQhealthcare #transhealth #transhealthcare #transgenderhealth #transgenderhealthcare
#sex #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqi #lgbthealth #lgbthealthcare #LGBTQHealth #lgbtqhealthcare #TransHealth #transhealthcare #transgenderhealth #TransgenderHealthcare
How many #NYC #ivyleague #physicians does it take to learn the difference between #sex & #gender ?
Transgender, nonbinary and intersex people are physicians too.
#amazing #NewYork-Presbyterian #Cornell #WeillCornellMedicine #WeillCornell
#interACT #medicine #neurology #medstudent #medstudents #LGBTQ #LGBTQhealth #trans #transgender #intersex #nonbinaryidentitiesarereal #nonbinary
#nyc #ivyleague #physicians #sex #gender #amazing #newyork #cornell #WeillCornellMedicine #weillcornell #interact #medicine #neurology #medstudent #medstudents #lgbtq #LGBTQHealth #trans #transgender #intersex #nonbinaryidentitiesarereal #nonbinary
Can we stop fetishizing if someone is circumcised or not? Many people didn’t get a say whether or not they wanted to have it done. Just a thought.
#LGBTQ #GayTalk #AdultTalk #LGBTQHealth #Fetishization #SexTalk #Circumcision #PenisTalk #PenisHealth #Grindr #Scruff #Tinder #TinderSex
#tindersex #tinder #scruff #grindr #penishealth #penistalk #circumcision #sextalk #fetishization #LGBTQHealth #adulttalk #gaytalk #lgbtq
Sending some hashtags into the mastodon world 🎣
#publichealth #epidemiology #lgbtqhealth #broadway #musicals #sondheim #progressive #liberal #politics #bostonsports #redsox #bruins #celtics #retrogaming #nintendo #newwave #musichistory #grammar #classicmovies #obsoletetechnology #criterion #classictv
#classictv #Criterion #ObsoleteTechnology #classicmovies #grammar #musichistory #newwave #Nintendo #retrogaming #celtics #bruins #RedSox #bostonsports #Politics #Liberal #progressive #sondheim #Musicals #broadway #LGBTQHealth #epidemiology #publichealth