This is a disgraceful attack on #LGBTQI couples in Italy, and is contrary to 🇪🇺 values.
Yet the @EPPGroup / @EPP by @ManfredWeber will still cosy up to Meloni and her ilk in the pursuit of power. Shameful
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Renew Europe: We condemn @GiorgiaMeloni's shameful attack on the rights of #LGBTIQ families.
Erasing parental names from children's birth certificates is cruel & the decision must be reversed.
In 🇪🇺, the rights of same-sex couples & their children must be upheld!
Our Co-Chairs @MarcAngel_lu and @kimvsparrentak met with the US Special Envoy to advance the human rights of #LGBTQI+ persons, Jessica Stern.
Exchange on:
🌈 Legal gender recognition
🛑 Universal Decrim
❌️ Conversion practices
💪Strenghtening LGBTIQ civil society
Yesterday, our Board Co-Chair Ophélie (She) represented IGLYO at the European Parliament's Queer Summit. 🇪🇺
Thank you Ophélie for carrying the voice of #LGBTQI youth at the #EU level, and thank you to the European Parliament and the @LGBTIintergroup for having us. 💜
Sounds like a wonderful opportunity for the new Greek government to speak out strongly in support of LGBTI rights and equality…
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Vassilis Tsarnas: #Greece: The alt. #Pride parade will take place tomorrow in #Chania, Crete. The #Nazis, incl. the newly elected #Spartans, are planning a demo "advocating the "normal family" against the "sick & the abnormal". Will @hellenicpolice protect the #lgbtqi+ community or stay "neutral"?
#Greece #pride #chania #nazis #Spartans #LGBTQI
Very productive meeting with representatives of the 🇨🇾 #LGBTQ+ community. We discussed EU programmes in relation to access to healthcare.
Protecting and promoting the health rights of the #LGBTQI community is a fundamental 🇪🇺 objective.
#lgbtq #LGBTQI #UnionOfEquality
RT @BelgiumintheUSA: 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️ Proud to join @EUintheUS and the diplomatic community at @CapitalPrideDC parade! Team Belgium marched across Washington DC to celebrate diversity and stand up for #LGBTQI+ rights.
🇧🇪 DYK 20 y ago Belgium was 2nd country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage? #PrideMonth
RT @rasmusnordqvist: Tiden går og regeringen er stadig bag ud @marie_bjerre skal vi ikke få danmark med i kampen mod omvendelsesterapi som opfordret til at FN og Europarådet for længe siden? Tilbage i 2020 fremsatte @AstridCaroee og jeg forslag i FT. Vi venter stadig på handling #dkpol #LGBTQI
Alle US-Botschaften propagieren den „Pride Month“, Biden veröffentlichte ein Manifest. Es ist eindeutig: Dieser Angriff auf Natur, Kultur und Religion ist offizielle US-Politik. Ohne strategische Autonomie ist Europa verurteilt, das mitzumachen. Wieso kapieren Libkons das nicht?
RT @US2EU: The Department of State proudly works to promote and protect the human rights of #LGBTQI+ persons around the world.
#Democracies are stronger when they celebrate the full righ…
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤We all share a responsibility to protect fundamental rights and ensure equal treatment and equality for all. Which is why tomorrow, as every year, we will be at the #CyprusPride2023. Because EVERYBODY in the EU should be safe & free to be themselves.
See you there!
RT @AcceptCY: 🌍❤️🌈
In solidarity we thrive!
Μαζί θριαμβεύουμε!
Dayanışma ile gelişiyoruz!
27-05-2023 #cypruspride #lgbtqi
#CyprusPride2023 #CyprusPride #LGBTQI
RT @UNDPGeorgia: Empowering discussion on equal employment opportunities!
Together w/ @Temida_LGBTQI, we're addressing employment challenges faced by #LGBTQI+ communities in Georgia🇬🇪 and working towards a future of inclusive workplaces where everyone can thrive.
RT @PES_Women: #LGBTQI+ rights are inherently connected to the fight for #GenderEquality 🌈 There is no #UnionofEquality without equality for everybody🇪🇺
At a time of increased resistance to LGBTQI+ rights,
we stand firm in our support for the LGBTQI+ community 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️
#LGBTQI #GenderEquality #UnionOfEquality #IDATHOBIT
RT @PES_Women: #LGBTQI+ rights are inherently connected to the fight for #GenderEquality 🌈 There is no #UnionofEquality without equality for everybody🇪🇺
At a time of increased resistance to LGBTQI+ rights,
we stand firm in our support for the LGBTQI+ community 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️
#LGBTQI #GenderEquality #UnionOfEquality #IDATHOBIT
Embrace Diversity, Ignite Unity! 🏳️🌈💙💜
Today, on the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia #IDAHOBIT, the #EU and its Member States stand with the #LGBTQI community and support human rights and equality for all. #EU4HumanRights
Today we managed to send a strong signal in support of the Ugandan #LGBTQI communities!
The European Parliament calls for:
✅️ The universal decriminalisation of LGBTQI people globally
✅️ Action to stop the ugandan law that introduces the death penalty for LGBTQI people
RT @LGBTIintergroup: 📄 the resolution headed by some of our Bureau members calling for an EU strategy on Universal Decriminalisation & for actions the @EU_Commission should take in light of dev…
Oggi in #ParlamentoEuropeo abbiamo approvato un emendamento che condanna l’atteggiamento discriminatorio verso la comunità #LGBTQI portata avanti dai Governi di #Ungheria, #Polonia e #Italia.
Anziché spostare il focus su una #vignetta non è meglio fare (e parlare di) #Politica?
#ParlamentoEuropeo #LGBTQI #Ungheria #Polonia #Italia #vignetta #politica
RT @MalinBjork_EU: Today we managed to send a strong signal in support of the Ugandan #LGBTQI communities!
The European Parliament calls for:
✅️ The universal decriminalisation of LGBTQI people globally
✅️ Action to stop the ugandan law that introduces the death penalty for LGBTQI people
La destra di #Meloni e #Salvini ci sta portando gradualmente nell’#OrbanClub: il #ParlamentoEuropeo ha approvato oggi un emendamento che condanna la retorica anti-#LGBTQI portata avanti dai Governi di #Ungheria, #Polonia e Italia.
Dobbiamo lavorare per fermare questa deriva.
#Meloni #Salvini #OrbanClub #ParlamentoEuropeo #LGBTQI #Ungheria #Polonia
❌L'extrême-droite 🇮🇹 en croisade contre les familles #LGBTQI+
➡️Le gouv italien refuse de reconnaître le lien de parenté établi à l'étranger entre un couple homoparental et ses enfants
C'est un scandale. Parent dans 1 Etat = parent dans toute l'UE🌈
Abbiamo approvato in @europarl_it una relazione sullo stato di diritto, condannando “le istruzioni impartite dal governo italiano al Comune di Milano di non registrare più i figli”.
Con @BeppeSala e quei sindaci coraggiosi e fedeli alla #Costituzione
#lgbtqi #famigliearcobaleno
#Costituzione #LGBTQI #famigliearcobaleno