Hello my #QueerMastodon family!
I think it's super awesome we can connect with each other (here and IRL)! When I was a baby gay, I was at first too ashamed to say hello to other folks who i thought may be #queer (as I was ashamed of being queer myself.)
I am wondering if you were to share some advice to the gaybies out there, what advice would you give?
Maybe something you wish you'd known when you were first coming to know your self?
Love and kisses from here to the whole #LGBTQIAfamily ❤️🥰🌈
#LGBTQIAfamily #Queer #QueerMastodon
"And if someone makes fun of you for being offbeat, just tell 'em
'Baby, you can't hear my song.' "
- Ra'Jah O'Hara as Iseeya Queen
I mean come on 💜
#TwinSisters #DownSyndrome #BiracialKids #LGBTQIAfamily #cuddles
#twinsisters #downsyndrome #biracialkids #LGBTQIAfamily #cuddles