Ever wondered how the @ATLASexperiment Control Room works?
Join us today for a virtual tour of the ATLAS Control Room, explore how a #physics experiment control room works, and watch live during high-energy (13.6 TeV) collision operations at the #LHC. #BeamTime #LHCRun3
#physics #lhc #beamtime #LHCRun3
#BLOG #LHCRun3 #FASER #neutrinos FASER logra la primera observación de un neutrino producido en las colisiones protón-protón del LHC Run 3 https://francis.naukas.com/2023/03/27/faser-logra-la-primera-observacion-de-un-neutrino-producido-en-las-colisiones-proton-proton-del-lhc-run-3/
#neutrinos #faser #LHCRun3 #blog
RT @CERN_FR@twitter.activitypub.actor
Une pause et ça repart! Les premières collisions de 2023 dans le LHC sont attendues dans quelques semaines. Pour célébrer le réveil du complexe d'accélérateur, découvrez comment se prépare le chapitre 2 du #LHCRun3
#physics #LHCRun3 #CERN announced that yesterday, when it was afternoon in Switzerland, the detectors of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) began detecting collisions between particles at an energy that reached 13.6 TeV (Tera-electronVolts). These are energy levels never reached before, which mark the beginning of Run 3, the third #LHC research campaign.
Imagínate que metes la cabeza en un acelerador de partículas 😖⚛️
Ahora imagínate que vives para contarlo 😱🙌🔥
A propósito de la reactivación del Gran Colisionador de Hadrones, la historia de Anatoli Bugorski:
🎶It's such a wonderful day
For a resonance cascade!🎶
RT @AstroKatie@twitter.com
⚛️ Tomorrow, #LHCRun3 begins! After a three-year hiatus, the Large Hadron Collider will once again be ready to smash protons 💥 and look for signs of new physics in the debris! 🔍 Follow @CERN@twitter.com to watch online tomorrow (5 July), starting at 4pm CEST / 10am EDT. Watch the trailer!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AstroKatie/status/1544110698770436097