#Blog #BelleII #LHCb #UniversalidadLeptonica Belle II y LHCb le dicen adiós a la violación de la universalidad leptónica en mesones B https://francis.naukas.com/2023/08/05/belle-ii-y-lhcb-le-dicen-adios-a-la-violacion-de-la-universalidad-leptonica-en-mesones-b/
#universalidadleptonica #LHCb #belleii #blog
CERN - LHCb tightens precision on key measurements of matter–antimatter asymmetry:
#LargeHadronCollider #LHCb #LHC #MatterAntimatterAsymmetry #Asymmetry #Antimatter #Matter #BeautyMesons #Mesons #ParticlePhysics #Physics
#largehadroncollider #LHCb #LHC #MatterAntimatterAsymmetry #Asymmetry #antimatter #Matter #BeautyMesons #Mesons #particlephysics #physics
RT @LHCbExperiment
Inauguration of the LHCb exhibition at #LHCb, #LHC, #CERN, see https://lhcb-outreach.web.cern.ch
CERN - LHCb brings leptons into line:
#BMeson #Meson #BMesonDecay #Quarks #Leptons #LeptonFlavourUniversality #LargeHadronCollider #LHC #LHCb #StandardModel #ParticlePhysics #Physics
#physics #particlephysics #StandardModel #LHCb #LHC #largehadroncollider #LeptonFlavourUniversality #Leptons #Quarks #BMesonDecay #Meson #BMeson
RT @LHCbExperiment
Improved lepton universality measurements show agreement with the Standard Model at #LHCb, #LHC, #CERN, see https://lhcb-outreach.web.cern.ch
Question for those in the know: do the new #LHCb results mean the BaBar discrepancy was a read herring? Or is it still possible that taus couple differently?
RT @MattStrassler@twitter.com
No surprise --- hints that electrons & muons might somehow be different (other than their distinct rest masses) have vanished, with more data and improved analysis from the #LHCb experiment. It was never very plausible; their heavy cousin, the tau, is a more likely prospect. https://twitter.com/jonmbutterworth/status/1605108953955721216
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MattStrassler/status/1605209960601772034
When I teach, I like to make sure students really get to be #studentscientists and learn about hot topics in science.
So this morning, Michel got to speak about #bAnomalies 🤩
#academicchatter #education #physics #particlephysics #cern #LHCb @LHCbPhysics
#studentscientists #banomalies #academicchatter #education #physics #particlephysics #cern #LHCb
Renato Quagliani #EPFL shows in #CERN #LHC seminar the impressive new #LHCb measurement of of R(K) and R(K∗) with the full Run 1 and 2 data based on lepton #universality
Showing results fully compatible with the #StandardModel
#epfl #cern #LHC #LHCb #universality #standardmodel
Now you too can test your favourite models with LHCb data!
RT @LHCbExperiment@twitter.com
LHCb data released to the public at #LHCb, #LHC, #CERN, see https://lhcb-outreach.web.cern.ch
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LHCbExperiment/status/1601174580533395456
"While all scientific results from the #LHCb [Large #Hadron Collider Beauty] collaboration are already publicly available through #openaccess papers, the #data used by the researchers to produce these results is now accessible to anyone in the world through the #CERN #opendata portal. The data release is made in the context of CERN's Open Science Policy."
PS: Opening data is more urgent than ever when generated by unique & expensive equipment.
#particlephysics #physics #opendata #cern #data #openaccess #hadron #LHCb
#introduction Hello scientists, I am a physicist that has worked on #ligo (hello LHO people!), #lhcb (happy to see beams still circulating), a (briefly) at #slac on #mec and #cxi (x-ray lasers are cool as heck). These days I work in tech at Waymo (trucking) and before that I worked on stratospheric balloon powered internet at the now defunct Loon project. Nice to meet you and reconnect with some old friends. 😁
#introduction #ligo #LHCb #SLAC #mec #cxi
#introduction Hello. I am a physicist working for #Nikhef on the #LHCb Experiment at the LHC at #CERN. Occasionally I write long #Threads on physics results which I find interesting. The list is still on twitter https://twitter.com/PKoppenburg/status/1379467036846391301?t=tW9QWy_OiYTJbJ2DujJWCQ&s=19
I am also involved in 🇨🇭 politics #pvl #glp. On twitter I have another account for that https://twitter.com/PKoppenburgCH .
#introduction #Nikhef #LHCb #cern #threads #pvl #glp
Referenced link: https://phys.org/news/2022-08-quantum-machine-lhcb.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://phys.org/news/2022-08-quantum-machine-lhcb.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/physorg_com/status/1555232531712282626#m
First studies with Quantum Machine Learning at #LHCb https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/JHEP08(2022)014 https://phys.org/news/2022-08-quantum-machine-lhcb.html
Referenced link: https://phys.org/news/2022-07-lhcb-exotic-particles-pentaquark-first-ever.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://phys.org/news/2022-07-lhcb-exotic-particles-pentaquark-first-ever.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/physorg_com/status/1544270962308382722#m
#LHCb discovers three new exotic #particles: the pentaquark and the first-ever pair of tetraquarks https://phys.org/news/2022-07-lhcb-exotic-particles-pentaquark-first-ever.html
CERN - Twice the #Charm, #Discovery of a new #exotic #Hadron containing two charm #Quarks and an up and a down #AntiQuark:
#CERN #Quark #ParticlePhysics #Physics #LHC #LargeHadronCollider #LHCb #Tetraquark #Mesons #Baryons #QuantumNumbers #QuantumPhysics
#quantumphysics #QuantumNumbers #Baryons #Mesons #Tetraquark #LHCb #largehadroncollider #LHC #physics #particlephysics #Quark #cern #AntiQuark #Quarks #Hadron #exotic #discovery #Charm