As I said earlier, I think a second #introduction post is in order.
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Matt Williams - A Highly Eccentric Black Hole Merger Detected for the First Time:
#LIGO #LASER #Virgo #GravitationalWave #GeneralRelativity #CCRG #ICERM #GW150521 #BlackHole #BlackHoleMerger #Merger #BlackHoleBinary #Supermassive #SMBH #NeutronStar #NeutronStarMerger #EccentricOrbit #HubbleConstant #Cosmology #Astronomy
#astronomy #cosmology #HubbleConstant #EccentricOrbit #NeutronStarMerger #neutronstar #SMBH #Supermassive #BlackHoleBinary #merger #BlackHoleMerger #blackhole #GW150521 #ICERM #CCRG #generalrelativity #GravitationalWave #virgo #laser #LIGO
Nature - Evidence for an intermediate-mass black hole from a gravitationally lensed gamma-ray burst, by James Paynter, Rachel Webster, and Eric Thrane:
#BlackHole #GammaRayBurst #GRB #LIGO #GravitationalLensing #IMBH #BlackHoleMerger #BATSE #BlackHoleWeek
#BlackHoleWeek #BATSE #BlackHoleMerger #IMBH #GravitationalLensing #LIGO #GRB #GammaRayBurst #blackhole