Wrote a blog post about my PhD literature review on the information literacy of engineering students #InformationLiteracy #LISresearch #InfoLit
#informationliteracy #LISresearch #infolit
Recording & summary of last LARK webinar for the year: 'Reflections on Research in Practice'. Three presenters discussing topics around reflexivity, values, and advocacy in practice-based research. https://lark-kollektive.blogspot.com/2022/12/after-reflections-on-research-in.html
#LibraryPeople is there a list somewhere with all the library conferences coming up in the next year and their focus? How do I find the LIS research focused ones? I mainly know the health / school library focused conferences. #LISresearchers #LISresearch #librarians
#LibraryPeople #LISresearchers #LISresearch #librarians
One for those interested in #LIS research in practice. Last event of the year for LARK with speakers discussing #OpenEducation, reflective practice, and experiences with practice-based research.
https://lark-kollektive.blogspot.com/2022/11/webinar-reflections-on-research-in.html #LISresearch
#lis #openeducation #LISresearch
@JeanetteCastle Definitely not just you. We will get there! #librarians #LISresearch #LISresearchers
#librarians #LISresearch #LISresearchers
I wrote a thing! A blog post about my experience so far as a new PhD student in library & information science (LIS):
#PhDStudents #LIS #LISresearch #Librarians #InfoLit #InformationLiteracy
#informationliteracy #infolit #librarians #LISresearch #lis #PhDstudents
New around here. I'm an #academic #librarian in the UK, with interestes in Library #data, performance measurement and assessment strategies. Also provision library services in distance learning environments.
Occasional Cricket toots can be expected.
#academic #librarian #data #libraries #librarianship #LISresearch #lis #distancelearning
New around here. I'm an acacemic librarian in the UK, with interestes in Library data, performance measurement and assessment strategies. Also provision library services in distance learning environments.
Occasional Cricket toots can be expected.
#libraries #librarianship #LISresearch #lis
Saturday errands done, time for some studying! #phdlife #phenomenology #ResearchMethods #QualitativeMethods #LISresearch
#LISresearch #qualitativemethods #researchmethods #phenomenology #phdlife