I watched Urban Institute discussion titled "How we can end poverty in America" today. The recording can be seen at https://www.urban.org/events/conversation-matt-desmond-how-we-can-end-poverty-america
The #LiveAtUrban Twitter feed is at https://twitter.com/search?q=%23liveaturban&src=typed_query&f=live
I shared some of my #conceptmaps and suggested that someone could create a visual showing the "end poverty" strategies shared in the presentation and in Matthew Desmond's book.
Have any of you done that?
I'm watching #LIVEATUrban on Zoom right now, focusing on wealth gap in US cities. https://twitter.com/urbaninstitute/status/1590385477260976129?s=20&t=2-2Xdm9r6uAZiYc18notBQ
I would not have learned about this through my Mastodon network...at least as it is now composed.