Scott Alan Johnston - The Milky Way has Trapped the Large Magellanic Cloud With its Gravity:
#LargeMagellanicCloud #LMC #MilkyWay #GalaxyEvolution #Galaxy #Gravity #Gaia #Astrophysics #Astronomy
#astronomy #astrophysics #gaia #gravity #galaxy #GalaxyEvolution #milkyway #LMC #LargeMagellanicCloud
@Toniwastronomy Oh I know it's the 3rd largest, it's just that it is only ~5x the size of the #LargeMagellanicCloud, and some of the newest research shows the LMC may be way more massive than we thought, so maybe the #LMC is not a dwarf galaxy any more if this update gets verified?
Astronomers Release New All-Sky Map of Milky Way’s Outer Reaches:
#NASA #ESA #ArizonaWildcats #MilkyWay #Galaxy #AllSkyMap #StarMap #GalaxyMerger #GalacticHalo #Wake #DarkMatter #DwarfGalaxy #Gaia #NEOWISE #LargeMagellanicCloud #LMC #Cosmology #Astronomy
#astronomy #cosmology #LMC #LargeMagellanicCloud #NEOWISE #gaia #DwarfGalaxy #darkmatter #WAKE #GalacticHalo #GalaxyMerger #StarMap #AllSkyMap #galaxy #milkyway #ArizonaWildcats #ESA #NASA
Astronomers Release New All-Sky Map of Milky Way’s Outer Reaches:
#NASA #ESA #ArizonaWildcats #MilkyWay #Galaxy #AllSkyMap #StarMap #GalaxyMerger #GalacticHalo #Wake #DarkMatter #DwarfGalaxy #Gaia #NEOWISE #LargeMagellanicCloud #LMC #Cosmology #Astronomy
#astronomy #cosmology #LMC #LargeMagellanicCloud #NEOWISE #gaia #DwarfGalaxy #darkmatter #WAKE #GalacticHalo #GalaxyMerger #StarMap #AllSkyMap #galaxy #milkyway #ArizonaWildcats #ESA #NASA