You may remember that last March, I launched a survey that aimed to explore the socio-technical characteristics of the and #LinkedArt communities.
For instance, It sought to situate these initiatives within a broader discourse of scholarly movements and principles (#OpenScience, #CitizenScience, #FAIR, #CARE). Additionally, it serves as a preliminary means of exploring the prospective impact of Linked Open Usable Data (LOUD) and its underlying design principles in the cultural heritage field.
I am happy to say that I have just published a 29-page report:
I have provided some insights to the people involved in those communities in Chapter 5 (pp. 25-27).
It's indeed a snapshot but I hope it's relevant for anyone interested in community practices in the cultural heritage field. I would also like to thank all of the 79 individuals who participated! :)
#LinkedArt #openscience #citizenscience #fair #care #loud #LODLAM #iiif #culturalheritage
@ewg118 @azaroth42 Reaching a different audience is a good thing, but I guess when promoting #LOUD "we" (if there is such a group) should acknowledge what exists out there.
Typically; i've come across the following links/initiatives:
- LOUD design principles:
- LOBID in Germany: (as per - ping @acka47 - Numishare: (
- Call for Proposals within the IIIF community since 2018 (I think), Archiving Conference and LINCS that have LOUD as an overarching topic
- My PhD thesis -
- Pelagios?
And a few presentations, mainly from Rob, as well as as couple of articles such as the CIDOC CRM 2018 Paper from @workergnome (
#dh2023 #digitalhumanities #LODLAM #linkeddata #linkedart #iiif
#loud #DH2023 #digitalhumanities #LODLAM #linkeddata #LinkedArt #iiif
More on the inclusion of Greek types from IRIS into the #LOD ecosystem, and its impact on improving research context through #datavis. #lawdi #LODLAM
I guess by starting talking (or rather writing a question in the Google Doc) about Linked Open Usable Data #LOUD - that is now very much tied to #LinkedArt and #IIIF ( - in the #Pelagios session, lots of very interesting points have then been discussed around what "defines" it (API, Community-led). ping @azaroth42
#loud #iiif #Pelagios #DH2023 #linkeddata #LODLAM #LinkedArt
Recapping the last two weeks in the Nomisma/European Coin Find Network and Hackathon Athens meetings at École Française d'Athènes, hosted by Thomas Faucher of CEAlex. Making archaeological coins #FAIR. #lawdi #lodlam
We're happy to announce the cookbook: documentation for the classes and properties in the Nomisma ontology with data modeling examples. The full cookbook isn't public yet, but the URL is live: #lodlam #lawdi
The application of #IIIF and #LOD in digital humanities: a case study of the dictionary of wooden slips by Sophy Shu-Jiun Chen and Lu-Yen Lu
Data Linkage between LOD and IIIF through the seeAlso property
link the LOD-based descriptive metadata of an object or a Chinese character with its image data embedded in the IIIF Manifest
Image Annotation compatible with the Web Annotation Data Model (WADM)
- The current structure of faceted annotation contains WADM's motivations, tagging, describing, commenting, and classifying for different annotation purposes
#iiif #lod #loud #LODLAM #swib22
Principles for the Digital Scriptorium (DS) 2.0 Redevelopment
- Minimal data entry standards
- Members manage their own metadata (formats and values)
- DS 2.0 does not host images (--> #IIIF)
- DS 2.0 will provide semantic enrichment
- Open Access
More information about DS 2.0:
Principles for the Digital Scriptorium (DS) 2.0 Redevelopment
- Minimal data entry standards
- Members manage their own metadata (formats and values)
- DS 2.0 does not host images (--> #IIIF)
- DS 2.0 will provide semantic enrichment
- Open Access
More information about DS 2.0:
The video recordings of #swib22 from yesterday were already uploaded!
1) Libraries, linked data, and decolonization
Presentations of the Linked Library Data I session
2) Mapping and transforming MARC21 bibliographic metadata to LRM/RDA/RDF
3) A crosswalk in the park? Converting from MARC 21 to #LinkedArt
4) A LITL more quality: improving the correctness and completeness of library catalogs with a librarian-in-the-loop linked data workflow
#swib22 #LinkedArt #lod #loud #LODLAM #decolonization #culturalheritage
The Linked Library Data I session is about to start #swib22
1) Mapping and transforming MARC21 bibliographic metadata to LRM/RDA/RDF
2) A crosswalk in the park? Converting from MARC 21 to #LinkedArt
3) A LITL more quality: improving the correctness and completeness of library catalogs with a librarian-in-the-loop linked data workflow
#swib22 #LinkedArt #glam #LODLAM #lod #loud
Prior to #swib22, I've just noticed this article: "How Your Cultural Dataset is Connected to the Rest Linked Open Data?"
Seems an appropriate lecture at some point. #LOD #LODLAM
Mountantonakis, M., Tzitzikas, Y. (2022). How Your Cultural Dataset is Connected to the Rest Linked Open Data?. In: Moropoulou, A., Georgopoulos, A., Doulamis, A., Ioannides, M., Ronchi, A. (eds) Trandisciplinary Multispectral Modelling and Cooperation for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage. TMM_CH 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1574. Springer, Cham.
Currently modelling a Person (myself) in #LinkedArt and following the example of but with a twist as I've included #homosaurus (my pronouns) within the classified_as property. The complete serialisation can be found here: #CIDOCCRM #LODLAM
#LODLAM #CIDOCCRM #Homosaurus #LinkedArt