#LOTRonPrime was very entertaining and beautifully shot. I liked the plot for the most part, but some reveals weren't that satisfying. I'm not well-versed in #Tolkien, so maybe I missed the nuances that annoy real fans. I liked the return to this world. Definitely better than #Hobbit 2 and 3 for me.
#LOTRonPrime #tolkien #hobbit #LOTRROP #series #primevideo #thoughts
Just finished episode 5 of #LOTRonPrime with my wife and yeah, it's got its flaws but the atmosphere is super immersive. The attention to detail in the sets and costumes exceeds our expectations.
#LOTRonPrime #LOTRROP #ringsofpower #primevideo #series #opinion
Watching #ringsofpower with fam and guess who I see? It's Kai lol
#lotr #LOTRonPrime #ncis #ncishawaii #ncishi
#NCISHI #NCISHawaii #ncis #LOTRonPrime #lotr #ringsofpower
This show is both a dumpster fire and a meme goldmine.
Watch the full video at https://youtube.com/watch?v=bjnrdmsALuQ
This show is both a dumpster fire and a meme goldmine.
Watch the full video at https://youtube.com/watch?v=bjnrdmsALuQ
Nachdem der Konzern mit #LOTRonPrime allen gezeigt hat das ihm wirklich alles scheißegal ist, kündigten alle Menschen ihre Accounts bei diesem ausbeuterischen Dreckskonzern und trieben ihn in den Ruin.
~~~~~~ End of Story ~~~~~~
RT @Nerdrotics
Amazon's Lord of the Rings Epic FAIL! The Vandalization of Tolkien and Fan ATTACKS Have Begun
#LOTRonPrime #RingsofPower #LordoftheRings #LOTRROP #Tolkien
🚨New Video🚨
👉Please share👇
#tolkien #LOTRROP #lordoftherings #RingsofPower #LOTRonPrime
RT @Tolkien_NewsDE@twitter.com
Der erste Teaser Trailer zu „HdR: Die Ringe der Macht” wird während des Superbowl-Events 2022 veröffentlicht.
Am Montag 0:30 Uhr (MEZ)
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Tolkien_NewsDE/status/1490732954775138304
RT @Tolkien_NewsDE@twitter.com
Der erste Teaser Trailer zu „HdR: Die Ringe der Macht” wird während des Superbowl-Events 2022 veröffentlicht.
Am Montag 0:30 Uhr (MEZ)
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Tolkien_NewsDE/status/1490732954775138304
ecco prima conferma delle puttanate politicamente corrette in arrivo con la serie amazon
RT @TolkienItalia
Poche ore fa è stata trasmessa sul canale Radio BBC 4 la trasmissione #SaturdayLive, e l’ospite era l’attore e comico #SirLennyHenry che ha confermato il suo ruolo nella serie tv #LOTRonPrime: «Sono un Pelopiede».
#LOTRonPrime #SirLennyHenry #SaturdayLive
sì, ma alla prima cagata lgbt che osano tempo zero vado a castelsangiovanni e gli incendio il magazzino
RT @TolkienSociety
It's not often we see Valinor trending. These are the moments we live for. #LordOfTheRings #LOTRonPrime #LOTR #Tolkien
#tolkien #lotr #LOTRonPrime #lordoftherings