Update zu Kind 3, nach ca. 1,5 Stunden sind wir am Freitag aus der LVR raus. Nächster Termin ist am 17.11. Dort werden dann weiter Fragen gestellt. Die „Diagnose“ wird wohl so ausfallen, wie sich das Kind nun mal fühlt und dann kann sie ihren Weg weiter beschreiten, bzw. wir. Alleine muss sie nicht dadurch. Interessant fand ich sehr die Fragen zur Kindheit usw. Was man dadurch doch alles feststellen kann.
#teilenerwuenscht #trans #transgender #queer #LQBTQ
#wartezimmer diesmal mit Kind 3 in der LVR in Essen. Es geht um eine Diagnose. Diagnose? Ist das Kind krank wenn es sich im falschen Körper fühlt? Egal, Kopf hoch und durch.
#wartezimmer #trans #transgender #queer #LQBTQ
Sehr schön. Da können #Aiwanger und #Söder noch so gegen #Gender, #LQBTQ+ und sonst noch geifern. Die Löwen 🦁 im Münchner Zoo sind schwul. 😄 https://www.sueddeutsche.de/muenchen/homosexualitaet-tiere-zoo-muenchen-pinguine-loewen-1.5933923?reduced=true
#aiwanger #soder #gender #LQBTQ
I'm not from the US, but if you are and worried about #TransRights and #LGBT, #LQBTQ, and #LGBTQIA rights. Or otherwise, be some oppressed group and want to leave.
#transrights #lgbt #LQBTQ #lgbtqia
Today's gender is the indestructible joy of being alive and healing yourself, so you're not playing small and softly tip-toeing toward death without living first.
#Enby #EnbyJoy #IndestructibleJoy #February2023 #CestTheo #SantaFe #SFNM #Trans #SantaFeQueers #Transgender #LQBTQ #theythem
#theythem #LQBTQ #Transgender #santafequeers #Trans #sfnm #santafe #cesttheo #february2023 #indestructiblejoy #enbyjoy #enby
Watch "American Fascism And The Groomer Panic" on YouTube
Top surgery recommendation letter therapy appointment today! 🎉 :blobcatenby: :heart_trans:
#EnbyJoy #CestTheo #TransIsBeautiful #Enby #yeettheteets #LQBTQ
#LQBTQ #yeettheteets #enby #transisbeautiful #cesttheo #enbyjoy
Name change update.
First step taken: paperwork filed at the SF first judicial court.
Next, I wait by the phone for them to call, in order to then proceed to the two weeks of newspaper legal advertisement.🗞️
#namechange #enby #enbyjoy #cesttheo #SantaFeQueers #february2023 #lqbtq
#LQBTQ #february2023 #santafequeers #cesttheo #enbyjoy #enby #NameChange
Found a surgeon (recommended by the last renter who lived in my casita)!
I'm increasingly elated and motivated about all of the things in my life--like, in general, for many months, all of the things, and my future; it's so exceedingly and continuously nice to be myself.
It's a process. And, it's a lot of fun. :transgender: :ms_nonbinary_flag: :pizzaparty:
#cesttheo #nonbinary #enby #enbyjoy #LQBTQ #trans #gender #theythem #Transgender #topsurgery
#topsurgery #Transgender #theythem #gender #Trans #LQBTQ #enbyjoy #enby #NonBinary #cesttheo
The question of 2023 is likely to be, Am I in love? or, I am just gay? :amaze:
It can be both—It can most certainly be both. Subaru over UHaul until proven otherwise.
#cesttheo #latebloominglesbian #LQBTQ #betteroffgay #bipride #:rose_pride: #:placa_naobinaria:
#bipride #betteroffgay #LQBTQ #latebloominglesbian #cesttheo
The question of 2023 is likely to be, Am I in love? or, I am just gay? :amaze:
It can be both—It can most certainly be both. Subaru over UHaul until proven otherwise.
#cesttheo #latebloominglesbian #LQBTQ #betteroffgay #bipride #:rose_pride: #:placa_naobinaria:
#bipride #betteroffgay #LQBTQ #latebloominglesbian #cesttheo
Biden called gay marriage ‘inevitable’ and soon it’ll be law | AP
The day that Biden envisioned may have arrived. He plans on Tuesday to sign legislation, passed by bipartisan majorities in Congress, to protect gay unions — even if the Supreme Court should revisit, as some fear or hope, its ruling supporting a nationwide right of same-sex couples to marry.
#equalrights #LQBTQ #uspol #RespectForMarriageAct
Reveling in joyous ecstasy after hearing the loathsome chud who sponsored the Don’t-Say-Gay legal bs in FL got busted for fraud re Covid loans. 😉 :blobcatextremejoy:
#Florida #FloridaMan #crimeneverstops #MAGAassholes #MagaJokes #GayNews #LQBTQ #NoHateSpeech #HumanRightsMatter #schadenfreude
#schadenfreude #HumanRightsMatter #NoHateSpeech #LQBTQ #gaynews #MagaJokes #MAGAassholes #crimeneverstops #floridaman #Florida
Reveling in joyous ecstasy after hearing the loathsome chud who sponsored the Don’t-Say-Gay legal bs in FL got busted for fraud re Covid loans. 😉 :blobcatextremejoy:
#Florida #FloridaMan #crimeneverstops #MAGAassholes #MagaJokes #GayNews #LQBTQ #NoHateSpeech #HumanRightsMatter #schadenfreude
#schadenfreude #HumanRightsMatter #NoHateSpeech #LQBTQ #gaynews #MagaJokes #MAGAassholes #crimeneverstops #floridaman #Florida
Help me decide on my new name pronunciation. #enby #newname #LQBTQ #notagirl #notaboy #secretthirdthing #genderdæmon #cesttheo
#cesttheo #genderdæmon #secretthirdthing #notaboy #notagirl #LQBTQ #newname #enby
@guyverhofstadt ❤️ :nyancat_rainbow:
#humanrights #qataroppression #BoycottQatar #lovewhoyouare #LQBTQ #onelove