I just caught up with Owen Hatherley's superb demolition of Battersea Power Station from february's #LRB. It appears to be free to read so here you are https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v45/n03/owen-hatherley/in-battersea
"A marketplace of passions"… This piece by William Davies in the #LRB just keeps coming back to me.
It's the decent into unreason.
“If it is a real danger that civil war may threaten democracy, it is also a real danger that democracy may die because its defenders refuse to start one.“
“What are you willing to do.” James Meek in the #LRB
A great example of exactly what you come to the LRB for - a review that is far more rewarding than the book it focuses on, which you wouldn't really want to read anyway
#writing #hollywood #LRB #cinema #history
#history #cinema #LRB #hollywood #writing
Great article about #spotify and #streaming in the #LRB.
I have been enjoying reading about "Chips" Channon in the LRB, who seems to have been a hilariously awful human being.
"Why the fuck would I have anything of value to add on top of these ancient philosophers, these scientists, experts and authors?"
‘In 1993, when Morrison won the Nobel Prize, men (including one Nobel winner) asked me, ‘Is she that good?’ as though I might know this in some way they could not – I could read like a woman, perhaps.’
Anne Enright on Toni Morrison
On maps of Ikea, slime mould ‘found the exit, more efficiently than the scientists who set the task)’
The #LRB strolls in fashionably late, as usual.
"Who wants this Tate Modern for philistines, this Senate House for illiterates, this Berghain for people who can’t dance?"
#LRB Spot. On.
There are more good sentences in an Andrew O’Hagan review than in most books.
#Podcast #LRB neoliberal poster boy Friedrich Hayek #Neoliberalism
John Whitfield in the #LRB @lrb on the UK university research evaluation process, Research Excellence Framework #REF
‘A novel is a bicycle, and readers must pedal.’
The best description of the act and art of reading that this reader has ever read.
Nothing -- no stunning fireworks nor well-intended resolutions nor serious reflection -- makes me feel more like a new year is about to begin than the annual renewal of my subscription to the #LondonReviewOfBooks. I instantly get the feeling that there is a new year with an overwhelming amount of reading ahead. And that's all I want, honestly. #lrb