I knew that it would happen.

I'm on vacation and only a few minutes from my destination is a very cool yarn shop. I spent maybe an hour there today ...

As a friend of mine says: buying yarn and using yarn are two different hobbies.

But they are already spoken for. Socks for my partner who loves bright greens, sand to blue for my MIL, green to orange for my mother. The final one for me



#LYS #100farbspiele #yarnaddict #yarn

Last updated 2 years ago

When I was a poor student ...

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I was a student in the 1990ies - back when knitting went mostly out of style, disappeared and good was hard to find and / or very expensive.

Cotton thread could be bought at for 4 DM for 2,000 m. That amount went a looong way. So I crocheted doilies, which now live at my mom's house (bad pictures as I can't access them easily). 0.6 mm hook.

@crochet @fiberarts

#fiberarts #ikea #yarn #knitting #LYS #crochet #intentionalholes #fiberuary

Last updated 2 years ago

When I was a poor student ...

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I was a student in the 1990ies - back when knitting went mostly out of style, disappeared and good was hard to find and / or very expensive.

Cotton thread could be bought at for 4 DM (about 2 โ‚ฌ) for 2,000 m. That amount went a looong way. So I crocheted doilies, which now live at my mom's house (bad pictures as I can't access them easily).

@crochet @fiberarts

#fiberarts #ikea #yarn #knitting #LYS #crochet #intentionalholes #fiberuary

Last updated 2 years ago