Belasco's more detailed explanation of how Ramirez becomes a not-quite accidental bandit is probably as far fetched as Puccini's abbreviation but is a good deal more satisfying. Of course the novelisation of the play doesn't have music.
#amreading #readingopera #opera #LaFanciullaDelWest
Project Gutenberg has The Girl of the Golden West, a novelisation of David Belasco's play that #Puccini based his bestestevermostest #opera on
#puccini #opera #ebooks #projectgutenberg #LaFanciullaDelWest
Tagging @classicalmusic on the question of 7 favorite classical music composers! I'll put a spin on it and list 7 favorite #opera composers and my favorite opera of theirs.
#Verdi 🥳 #VIVAVERDI !!! 🥳 (#DonCarlos - French, 5-act version)
#Mozart (#DonGiovanni - but #CosiFanTutte is waaay up there)
#Puccini (#LaFanciullaDelWest)
#Massenet (#DonQuichotte)
#Tchaikovsky (#EugeneOnegin)
#Rossini (#IlBarbiere - yes, it's just so hilarious, but also #GuillaumeTell)
#Bellini (#IPuritani)
#opera #verdi #VIVAVERDI #doncarlos #mozart #DonGiovanni #CosiFanTutte #puccini #LaFanciullaDelWest #Massenet #donquichotte #tchaikovsky #EugeneOnegin #rossini #IlBarbiere #GuillaumeTell #Bellini #IPuritani