Scientists dismissed Covid #LabLeakTheory ‘as they feared ban on high-risk experiments’ | The Telegraph
Experts involved in work similar to #Wuhan lab wanted to continue with dangerous ‘ #GainOfFunction ’ tests, claims Oxford scholar
#LabLeakTheory #wuhan #GainOfFunction #COVID
‘Antithetical to Science’: Ex-CDC Director Takes #Fauci to Task for Suppressing #LabLeakTheory
#Covid #Redfield
#fauci #LabLeakTheory #COVID #redfield
[...] The point is *not* that we now know COVID's origins and there are no reasonable debates over it.
The point is that the USG never knew, but pretended it did, and declared off-limits and "debunked" the #LabLeakTheory while knowing full well it was, at least, highly viable.
The first Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis hearing on COVID's origins is underway.
Chair Wenstrup: "We will strive to produce a product that will serve future generations"
[...] The panelists unanimously agree that two articles that sidelined discussions of the #LabLeakTheory for at least a year — the "Proximal Origin" article and The Lancet letter — were not scientifically sound. (must credit @sai_suryan!)
A Big Week for the "Lab Leak": Making Sense of the Latest Twists in the #COVID19 Origins Debate | Vanity Fair
New reports reveal that the Department of Energy and FBI take the laboratory hypothesis very seriously indeed. Could it be enough to prompt a bipartisan inquiry into what caused the pandemic?
Here is a truth and the Covid #LabLeakTheory:
Unless you work in the production of infectious disease research health and safety planning and procedures, I don't really know why it would matter to you.
If you are that person, than the health and safety procedures at the Wuhan Institute are probably really important to you. Otherwise, where it's a leak or a natural infection I don't see what it changes.
Lab accident is ‘most likely but least probed’ COVID origin, State Dept. memo says | Emily Kopp
“[The #Wuhan Institute of Virology]’s lead coronavirus scientist #ShiZhengli conducted genetic engineering of bat virus to make it easily transmissible to humans,” the memo states.
#LabLeakTheory #COVID19 #ShiZhengli #wuhan
No comments. #LabLeakTheory
Birdapp refugee looking for fellow accounts on the topic of but not limited to: #ClimateChange #COVIDisAirborne #Antifascist #Antifa #HighRisk #Masks #LongCovid #cPTSD #Neurodivergent #Ebola #ReproductiveRights #SexworkerInclusiveFeminism #SexWorkAdvocacy #DecrimSexWork #Privacy #Cybersecurity #Leftism #HarmReduction #Collapse #FreePress #Surveillance #MentalHealth #NAFO #COVID19 #Feminism #LabLeakTheory #climateChangeNews #Infosec #FirearmsEducation #SelfReliance #PrepperTips #Preppertalk
#climatechange #COVIDisAirborne #AntiFascist #antifa #HighRisk #masks #LongCovid #cptsd #neurodivergent #ebola #reproductiverights #sexworkerinclusivefeminism #SexWorkAdvocacy #DecrimSexWork #privacy #CyberSecurity #leftism #harmreduction #collapse #freepress #surveillance #mentalhealth #nafo #COVID19 #Feminism #LabLeakTheory #climatechangenews #infosec #firearmseducation #selfreliance #preppertips #preppertalk
#COVID19 Origins: Investigating a “Complex and Grave Situation” Inside a #Wuhan Lab | ProPublica
The Wuhan lab at the center of suspicions about the pandemic’s onset was far more troubled than known, documents unearthed by a Senate team reveal. Tracing the evidence, Vanity Fair and ProPublica give the clearest view yet of a biocomplex in crisis.
#LabLeakTheory #wuhan #COVID19
Birdapp refugee still figuring things out but looking for fellow accounts on the topic of but not limited to: #climatechange #COVIDisAirborne #antifascist #antifa #highrisk #masks #longcovid #cptsd #neurodivergent #ebola #reproductiverights #sexworkerinclusivefeminism #privacy #cybersecurity #leftisim #harmreduction #collapse #freepress #surveillance #mentalhealth #NAFO #COVID19 #feminism #lableaktheory #climatechangenews #HighRiskCOVID #firearmseducation #selfreliance #preppertips #preppertalk
#climatechange #COVIDisAirborne #AntiFascist #antifa #HighRisk #masks #LongCovid #cptsd #neurodivergent #ebola #reproductiverights #sexworkerinclusivefeminism #privacy #CyberSecurity #leftisim #harmreduction #collapse #freepress #surveillance #mentalhealth #nafo #COVID19 #Feminism #LabLeakTheory #climatechangenews #HighRiskCOVID #firearmseducation #selfreliance #preppertips #preppertalk
#NIH to terminate EcoHealth Alliance grant after its #Wuhan partners refuse to deliver information on coronavirus studies | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
The NIH said the Wuhan institute’s experiments under the EcoHealth grant involved viruses that were too genetically distant to have evolved to become SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes #COVID19 . But some critics of so-called #gainOfFunction experimentation—in which pathogens are enhanced in way that makes them, say, more transmissible—have said last fall’s revelations point to risky research projects being undertaken at the laboratory in Wuhan, the city where the first reported cases of COVID were reported.
#EcoHealthAlliance #LabLeakTheory
#LabLeakTheory #ecohealthalliance #GainOfFunction #COVID19 #wuhan #nih
Four things I want to know about the origin of #COVID19 | Washington Examiner
"[...] Why #Wuhan ? The typical response is some version of, “It could have been any city in China, since they all have wet markets. It just happened to be Wuhan.” This hand-wave argument is as persuasive as saying, “Cancer happens. There just happens to be a cluster of cases on top of this Superfund site.”
#LabLeakTheory #wuhan #COVID19
Se è vero quanto riscontrato dalle analisi metagenomiche la domanda che sembra mettere in difficoltà ora la Cina è da dove veniva chi ha diffuso il virus al mercato di #Wuhan .
Anywhere But Here
China now insists the pandemic didn’t start within its borders. Its scientists are publishing a flurry of papers pointing the finger elsewhere | Science
[...] In a so-called metagenomic analysis, the researchers also found several samples had a blend of viral and human RNA, “which highly suggests the SARS-CoV-2 might have derived from Homo sapiens” in the market, the authors wrote. In other words, humans didn’t catch SARS-CoV-2 from animals at the market. Instead, people might have brought it to the market from elsewhere.
#LabLeakTheory #wuhan #COVID19
Scientists Have Re-Created The Deadly 1918 Flu Virus. Why? | Forbes
The 1918 flu disappeared long ago, and there’s no way it could possibly re-appear naturally. There’s only one way that the 1918 flu becomes a threat to human health again: through a lab leak. Re-creating the virus in a lab makes that possible.
We’re still trying to figure out if #Covid19 had a natural origin or whether it started as a lab leak. Even if it turns out to have a natural source, the intense discussions about the lab leak hypothesis have been useful, because they made it clear that lab leaks happen, and that they should be considered a genuine risk.
In recognition of this risk, scientists and non-scientists alike have called for a worldwide ban on #GainOfFunction research.
#LabLeakTheory #GainOfFunction #COVID19
Why the Chair of the Lancet's #COVID19 Commission Thinks The US Government Is Preventing a Real Investigation Into the Pandemic
Prof. Jeffrey Sachs says he is “pretty convinced [COVID-19] came out of US lab biotechnology” and warns that there is dangerous virus research taking place without public oversight.
He believes that there is clear proof that the National Institutes of Health and many members of the scientific community have been impeding a serious investigation of the origins of COVID-19 and deflecting attention away from the hypothesis that risky U.S.-supported research may have led to millions of deaths.
#LabLeakTheory #NIH
@medicalXpress #labLeakTheory in shambles. Haven't many pandemics come from #china in the live food markets?
But I'm sure there'll be enough people doubting whatever doesn't fit their made up minds.
#research #covid #science #china #LabLeakTheory
Virologist who tried to discredit the lab leak theory was once a ‘partner’ to EcoHealth Alliance | Emily Kopp
"Its premise: SARS-CoV-2 doesn't resemble known viruses a lab would commonly experiment on, so it could not have resulted from a lab leak.
That makes #Lipkin 's failure to disclose years of work with EcoHealth — which hunts for unknown viruses — very troubling.
Lipkin's conflict of interest is just the latest in a string of issues with the paper that propped up the scientific "consensus" in favor of a natural origin."
#COVID19 #ecohealthalliance #LabLeakTheory #Lipkin
Virologist who tried to discredit the lab leak theory was once a ‘partner’ to EcoHealth Alliance | Emily Kopp
"Ian #Lipkin who cowrote an enormously influential paper dismissing a lab origin of #COVID19 failed to disclose his partnership with #EcoHealthAlliance .
At 5.7 million views, The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2 is one of the most widely read scientific papers of all time (though it is formally a "correspondence").
#LabLeakTheory #ecohealthalliance #COVID19 #Lipkin