Finally some good news for a majority of salaried employees. #Labor #UnitedStates
#IWW #Labor #Wobbly #WorkersRights
From #BeauOfTheFifthColumn on #YouTube: new #NLRB guidance on automatic #union recognition in instances of #UnionBusting.
#IWW #Labor #wobbly #workersrights #BeauOfTheFifthColumn #youtube #nlrb #union #unionbusting
" #Starbucks loses court challenge against order to rehire #union supporters - Judge writes: ‘Fear of retaliation will exist unless #Memphis seven, apparently terminated for their union support, are reinstated’"
"A US appeals court on Tuesday rejected Starbucks Corp’s challenge to a ruling requiring the coffee chain to rehire seven employees at a Memphis, #tennessee store who were allegedly fired for supporting a union. The decision by the Ohio-based sixth US circuit court of appeals is the first from an appeals court involving a nationwide campaign that has seen workers at more than 300 Starbucks locations vote to unionize.
A three-judge panel said that by firing the workers last year, Starbucks likely discouraged other employees from exercising their rights under US labor law.
“Fear of retaliation will exist unless the Memphis Seven, apparently terminated for their union support, are reinstated,” circuit judge Danny Boggs wrote for the court.
The decision could embolden the National Labor Relations Board, which enforces US labor law, to use the courts to aggressively police Starbucks’ labor practices as they also come under scrutiny from shareholders and the US Congress."
#NLRB #Unions #UnionBusting #Labor #WorkersRights #US #USPolitics #MemphisSeven #Workers @rbreich
#workers #starbucks #union #memphis #tennessee #nlrb #unions #unionbusting #Labor #workersrights #us #uspolitics #memphisseven
It wouldn't be the worst idea in the world for both #OpenStreetMap and #labor if OSM rate limited paid mappers by changeset and by number of objects in a changeset, of the work accounts of paid mappers. And I appreciate the attempt at some pretty specific craft mapping in a lot of cases. Something that encourages a slower pace to do some research to see what's going on like checking taginfo and/or the wiki when needed or just skipping a weird case.
The Persuaders
Workers wanted a #Union then mysterious men showed up. #Labor #UnionBusters
As someone who likes #trees, #TreeCanopy, and #UrbanTreeCanopy, I STRONGLY DISAPPROVE of the canopy-removing, urban-heat-intensifying, anti-#labor, and generally crappy-looking tree trimming job done by #UniversalStudios.
#trees #treecanopy #urbantreecanopy #Labor #universalstudios
Engaged in the debates linking #farming , #sustainability , #development & #justice ?
You may be interested by our paper entitled "Balancing the trade-offs between land productivity, labor productivity and labor intensity", led by Cristina Chiarella. We explore the large-scale vs smallholder farming debate on #agricultural #intensification, raising incomes & farm #Labor
W. Dilini Abeygunawardane, Piero Conforti, and myself.
Thread based on Cristina's summary
#Labor #intensification #agricultural #justice #development #sustainability #farming
General things to share now that #UPS teamsters are likely to strike:
1) Strikes are caused by a company leadership's inability to work with absolutely reasonable requests for compensation / safety / benefits. This only services of their own greed.
2) Withholding labor is the primary tool that unions can use when negotiations fail.
3) Strikes are supposed to cause widespread discomfort. Fed up with it? Reach out to the company and blame it. Empathize with workers.
Teen dies in sawmill accident as states try to weaken child labor laws
#Labor #Unions
Your worker shortage is caused by your bigotry when it comes to race and LGBT issues along with generally treating labor as disposable and people as expendable. #Oklahoma #Labor @koco5news
Kudos to the International Labour Organization (@ilo, #ILO) on its new #OpenAccess policy — and for having a #Mastodon account.
#labour #Labor #mastodon #openaccess #ILO
Auf Suche nach der nächsten gefährlichen Mutation:
Zur Genom-Sequenzierung von Covid führte ich ein Gespräch mit Dr. Dennis Hoffmann, Technischer Laborleiter im Labor Wisplinghoff Köln. Welchen Nutzen hat Sequenzierung für das RKI
in der Corona-Pandemie? Was hat es mit Mutationen auf sich? Wann „freut“ sich das Corona-Virus? Warum reagieren Corona-Selbs- und Schnelltests jetzt scheinbar nicht so gut? Antworten auf
#covid #corona #genom sequenzierung #RKI #labor #koln
#covid #corona #Genom #RKI #Labor #koln
An der Zytologieschule Bensberg startet wieder die Ausbildung zum Zytologieassistenten (m/w/d). Zu einer Online-Infoveranstaltung lädt die Schule am 5.5.23 um 13 Uhr ein. Infos: Die Ausbildung dauert 16 Monate. Sie kann finanziell mit einem Bildungsgutschein gefördert werden. Ausbildungsbeginn ist am 12. Juni 2023. Zytologieassistenten werden sowohl in Vollzeit als auch in Teilzeit dringend gesucht
#Ausbildung #Zytologieassistent #Schule #Labor
#Ausbildung #zytologieassistent #Schule #Labor
During the #Rutgers faculty and graduate worker strike, Bloustein School faculty are holding a nightly online teach-in on #labor, #inequality, and the #public sector. 7PM EDT.
#public #inequality #Labor #rutgers
Africa's Youth Is the Answer to the West's #Demographic Decline
"The part of the world that offers the greatest reserves of such young, energetic, and ambitious #labor—#Africa—is the same part of the world that arouses the strongest aversion among the rich."
Mobile Internet Is Changing #Employment in Developing Countries, but Not Always as Expected
"…no compelling evidence that 3G expansion has accelerated the #reallocation of #labor away from agriculture towards manufacturing and services. While 3G expansion has created additional jobs in services, it has also allowed individuals to start small-scale businesses in both agriculture and services.“
#Labor #reallocation #employment
Your #labor shortage is caused by wages that are too low. You can make the problem worse by repealing a law designed to raise all ships.
Some good #labor news out of #Lansing, #Michigan today.
Yikes. It is getting twisty.
I'm not a fan of the B-corp idea anyway bevause it accepts unfair fights. All companies should be accountable to stakeholders, including the environment, not just to shareholders. If only certain companies do this, their competitors have a market advantage so the odds of B-corp survival are poor. If it's a successful market strategy to care about the environment you don't need to be a B-corp to do it.
As I read it, a B-corp is authorization to spend, even lose, shareholder money doing good for the world and not have your stockholders sue you for breach of fiduciary duty. Indeed I'd think they should be able to sue you for not doing well by the social benefit promises you've made.
However here I see FT characterizing it as a "movement" as including "thousands of companies around the world who are certified as 'a force for good'.' This does not mesh with my understanding of their role.
Wikipefia says of B-corps that they
Include "positive impact on society, workers, the community and the environment in addition to profit as its legally defined goals, in that the definition of "best interest of the corporation" is specified to include those impacts".
My reading of them is that they aren't, or shouldn't be,, "blessed as good" but rather that they open themselves to criticism-with-teeth if they fail to make good on their promises of good.
People differ on what ethics is, but my personal definition of ethics isn't that there is a specific set of rules you comply with. That's just law and compliance is not ethics at all in my book. Ethics, to me, is a living process of continually asking hard questions of yourself, starting with "am I today right now ethical, and what makes me sure I've not drifted?" The answer to that can never be "I was blessed at birth as ethical."
To me, any notion that B-corps are blessed as ethical or that any one agency can certify unambiguously that someone is ethical is suspect. Organizations can perform independent audits and offer opinions, but that ought not end all discussion. Anyone founding a B-corp has asked for any stakeholder to challenge them.
We should be asking hard questions of the auditors as well.
#BCorps #capitalism #corporations
#StakeholderTheory #StakeholderCapitalism
#ShareholderTheory #ShareholderCapitalism
#ethics #compliance #law #FiduciaryDuty
#environment #labor
#bcorps #capitalism #corporations #StakeholderTheory #stakeholdercapitalism #shareholdertheory #shareholdercapitalism #ethics #compliance #law #fiduciaryduty #environment #Labor
Excellent piece from @rmrahal and 13 coauthors: "The surge in open scholarship… is up against an academic structure with a high proportion of short-term contracts, precarious working conditions, misaligned incentives and unpaid labour, all of which pose barriers to high-quality research."
#reproducibility #quality #Labor #incentives