RT @UN_Women: This #LabourDay speak up for:
✅ Parental leave
✅ Flexible work hours
✅ Gender-sensitive policies
Let's create an enabling working environment where everyone can thrive.
#MayDay https://t.co/0KoAx5LEs1
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ElenaKountoura/status/1653476953695895553
RT @UN_Women: On #LabourDay, let's remember the unpaid care work women carry out daily.
The world’s future progress depends on women’s participation and leadership.
Listen to our Goodwill Ambassador, Anne Hathaway. https://t.co/gMCzygSaNC
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ElenaKountoura/status/1653476880144580629
Zum #erstenMai solidarische Grüße an alle Arbeitnehmer:innen (besonders #Elektriker:innen & der ganzen Branche).
#erstenmai #elektriker #stromleitung #energie #LabourDay
Greens out in the streets for the 1st May 💚💪🏼
In Cologne and all across Europe we fight for fair wages and good work.
For justice. For equality. For solidarity.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TerryReintke/status/1653027099307851776
Soutien total à nos forces de l'ordre, prises pour cibles par des militants ultra radicalisés et des délinquants qui profitent des manifestations syndicales pour "casser du flic"! Ces violences doivent être condamnées! @GDarmanin @Interieur_Gouv @PoliceNationale @prefpolice
RT @Mediavenir: 🇫🇷 FLASH - La tension ne retombe pas à Paris. Un CRS à terre est évacué par ses collègues. Des affrontements sont en cours. (via @ClementLanot) #LabourDay #ReformeDesRetaites h…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ConstanceLeGrip/status/1653076276423405570
#LabourDay #ReformeDesRetaites
Happy #MayDay #LabourDay! Here is wonderful #PaulRobeson - great friend and mentor to #HarryBelafonte - singing the Ballad of Joe Hill to Scottish miners in 1949
#mayday #LabourDay #PaulRobeson #harrybelafonte
L’UE prend position pour des salaires équitables et un niveau de vie décent.
Le Parlement européen appelle tous les pays de l’UE à établir un salaire minimum national qui permette aux travailleurs de vivre convenablement. 🇪🇺
#1mai #labourday #DémocratieEnAction
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_FR/status/1652975146016317440
#1Mai #LabourDay #DémocratieEnAction
Today is #LabourDay, therefor I want to draw attention to a pressing issue that affects an estimated 25 million people worldwide: #forcedlabour. It violates basic #humanrights and undermines the principles of freedom and dignity. We must stand together against this injustice! 1/2
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/bueti/status/1653008124674994183
#LabourDay #ForcedLabour #humanrights
Decent pay without delay!
Millions of people in Europe work full-time without a decent pay.
We made the EU minimum wage directive happen. Now we call on EU countries to protect low-wage workers.
On #LabourDay, fight for #WorkersRights & get a poster: https://greens.eu/3AwhNGY
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/GreensEFA/status/1652947851666763777
RT @GreensEFA: Decent pay without delay!
Millions of people in Europe work full-time without a decent pay.
We made the EU minimum wage directive happen. Now we call on EU countries to protect low-wage workers.
On #LabourDay, fight for #WorkersRights & get a poster: https://act.greens-efa.eu/decent-pay-without-delay?source=gg_twitter_social_2023-05-01 https://t.co/NLiRDNJks4
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/DianaRibaGiner/status/1653015508000579585
We wish our colleagues, friends and followers a happy and restful #LabourDay #MayDay #WorkersDay
⬇️#Copernicus #Sentinel2🇪🇺🛰️ image of #Chicago where today's celebration originated: on 1 May 1886, demonstrators rallied in the city centre to call for an 8-hour working day❗️
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/defis_eu/status/1652964860399869952
#LabourDay #mayday #WorkersDay #Copernicus #Sentinel2 #chicago
1️⃣ Stühlinger Kirche mit #Friedensfahne 🕊️
2️⃣ Einzige blau🟦🟨 Symbole waren die der Deutschen Rentenversicherung – keine offensichtlich Solidarität mit der Ukraine
3️⃣ Button mit Faust 👊
4️⃣ @PARTEI_Freiburg versucht @chantal_kopf abzuwerben
#friedensfahne #LabourDay #mayday #erstermai
RT @icacoop: Happy #LabourDay !
Let's celebrate the commitment of cooperators to:
✔️create local and long term jobs
✔️integrate disadvantaged groups
✔️reduce income inequality
✔️ be a large laboratory experimenting with innovative and sustainable forms of work
#WeAreCoops #MayDay #SDG8
🧵👇 https://t.co/CGv59cqWxh
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MpHendrick/status/1652955571987836928
#LabourDay #WeAreCoops #mayday #SDG8
Curious to try this new #Mastodon #app , #today 📱
#smartphone #iPhone #Tech #news #Fediverse #LabourDay #fun
From: @viticci
#Mastodon #app #today #smartphone #iPhone #Tech #news #Fediverse #LabourDay #fun
L-UE qed tieħu pożizzjoni favur pagi ġusti u standards ta’ għajxien deċenti! 👷♂️👷♀️
Il-PE qed jappella lill-pajjiżi kollha tal-UE biex jistabbilixxu paga minima nazzjonali.
Wasal iż-żmien li jiġi żgurat li x-xogħol ħabrieki jiġi ppremjat bi ħlas ġust 💪 #LabourDay
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1652976156642082818
a big THANK YOU on the #LabourDay and every day ❗️
RT @EUAgri: On #LabourDay, we pay a special tribute to farm workers.
Thank you for feeding Europe & the world. https://t.co/TOdzL7kgWE
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eudeleg_rome/status/1652971331711901696
RT @defis_eu: We wish our colleagues, friends and followers a happy and restful #LabourDay #MayDay #WorkersDay
⬇️#Copernicus #Sentinel2🇪🇺🛰️ image of #Chicago where today's celebration originated: on 1 May 1886, demonstrators rallied in the city centre to call for an 8-hour working day❗️ https://t.co/uG47rLj0ju
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eudeleg_rome/status/1652970283517505536
#LabourDay #mayday #WorkersDay #Copernicus #Sentinel2 #chicago
Today is #InternationalWorkersDay.
We remain committed to preparing people for the changing world of work, which means investing massively in #skills.
Read the statement by Commissioner @NicolasSchmitEU ↓
#EuropeanYearOfSkills | #LabourDay
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Social/status/1652944078705774592
#InternationalWorkersDay #skills #EuropeanYearOfSkills #LabourDay
RT @PDE_EDP: Happy #LabourDay to all the hardworking individuals across Europe! Let's celebrate the achievements of workers' rights and continue to fight for fair wages, safe working conditions, and equal opportunities for all https://t.co/4baf0EG4yz
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/sandrogozi/status/1652986275874365441
RT @GreensEFA: Decent pay without delay!
Millions of people in Europe work full-time without a decent pay.
We made the EU minimum wage directive happen. Now we call on EU countries to protect low-wage workers.
On #LabourDay, fight for #WorkersRights & get a poster: https://act.greens-efa.eu/decent-pay-without-delay?source=gg_twitter_social_2023-05-01 https://t.co/NLiRDNJks4
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ph_lamberts/status/1652971782691860482