Exploring #barrowmaze solo tonight! I customized a solo rule-set just for Megadungeon exploration. A combo of:
1) Setting: Barrowmaze Complete (Labyrinth Lord engine)
2) Rules: #Knave #OSRsolo #labyrinthlord #SoloHeroes (a rulebook for modifying Labyrinth Lord for solo play)
3) Beau Coup Random Tables:
a. #TomeOfAdventureDesign
b. #TheCovetousPoetAdventureCreator
c. #SoloAdventurersToolkit 1&2
d. #GMMiscellany All the dressings
#Barrowmaze #Knave #osrsolo #LabyrinthLord #soloheroes #tomeofadventuredesign #thecovetouspoetadventurecreator #soloadventurerstoolkit #gmmiscellany
coffle - a line of animals or slaves fastened or driven along together
#AppendixNLocutionOfTheDay from Chris Kutalik and Luka Rejecs' adventure module What Ho, Frog Demons. An immaculately-coiffured mountebank met on the road offers to sell some indentured servants' contracts.
#appendixnlocutionoftheday #AppendixN #hillscanton #LabyrinthLord #ttrpg #osr
immiserate - cause to become poor or impoverished
#AppendixNLocutionOfTheDay from Chris Kutalik's setting and module Misty Isles of the Eld. The Eld plan a psychic manipulation campaign against the nearby human settlements.
#appendixnlocutionoftheday #AppendixN #hillscanton #ttrpg #LabyrinthLord #osr
@LeviKornelsen ok then, #ttrpg things I am into
#dnd #osr #dsa #shadowrun #traveller #miniatures #harnworld #DragonRampant #battletech #callofcthulhu #minipainting #odnd #labyrinthlord #hott
#ttrpg #DnD #osr #dsa #shadowrun #traveller #miniatures #harnworld #DragonRampant #battletech #callofcthulhu #minipainting #odnd #LabyrinthLord #hott
plenitude - an abundance
#AppendixNLocutionOfTheDay from Chris Kutalik's adventure module Misty Isles of the Eld. It is widely—and falsely—believed that the isles are an idyllic, gentle place.
#appendixnlocutionoftheday #AppendixN #ttrpg #osr #LabyrinthLord #hillscanton
contrada - a subdivision of a city or town, from the Italian naming convention
#appendixNLocutionOfTheDay from Chris Kutalik's city-setting Fever Dream Marlinko. The surreal city of Marlinko is divided into quarters.
#appendixnlocutionoftheday #AppendixN #ttrpg #osr #LabyrinthLord #hillscanton
An #appendixnwordoftheday from Chris Kutalik and Luka Rejec's What Ho, Frog Demons:
batrachian - relating to or denoting a frog or toad
#appendixnwordoftheday #ttrpg #hillscanton #LabyrinthLord #AppendixN
Wenn ihr einem #osr newbie dabei folgen wollt, wie er zum ersten Mal einen D&D Retro-Klon liest - ich mache wie angekündigt diesen Monat auf RPGGeek ein Let's Read zu #LabyrinthLord (auf Englisch). Ihr seit herzlich zum mitlesen und mitdiskutieren eingeladen! https://rpggeek.com/thread/3022521/lets-read-labyrinth-lord #pnpde
Für die #OSR Reading Challenge möchte ich mir im Februar gerne #LabyrinthLord gemeinsam mit der RPGGeek Community näher ansehen (stellvertretend für die ursprünglichen D&D Retroklone). Mit 140 Seiten kein ganz kurzer Text, daher meine Frage an die OSR-Veteranen: ich bräuchte eine Idee für ein "Spotlight", um die Diskussion etwas fokussiert anzugehen, auf welche Aspekte des Spiels würdet ihr euch konzentrieren?
@opendev @dnddeutsch
#DnD und seine Klone: Neben qualitativen Fragen bzgl. der Produkte zeigt
#Wotc immer mehr, dass sie wie #GamesWorkshop eine „evil Corporation“ sind. (vgl. Umgang mit (freien) MA), #OneDnD usw.)
Darüber hinaus schreibt heute „jede/r“ eine alte #DnD Version ab und ein wenig um, denn ein wenig Geld ist sicher aus den KlonkrigerInnen herauszuholen? (#OSE #LotFP #labyrinthlord #SwordNWizardry #DCC #MörkBorg etc.). Die Welt braucht mehr Epigonen? 2/N
#dnd #wotc #gamesworkshop #OneDND #OSE #LotFP #LabyrinthLord #swordnwizardry #dcc #morkborg
I'll just yeet them all?
1. 636 (a Latvian network of shops which was ahead of its time)
2. #OSRQ / #NSRQ
3. Probably, Drizzt, but very close to "none".
4. D&D 3.5 (2003)
5. Must be #3.5e, but #Whitehack is getting close to overtaking it thanks to regular play.
6. #LtGarlic, my current OSRQ character. 3d6 down the line generation forced me to play something I didn't want, and I loved being forced to explore them.
7. #OSE and #LabyrinthLord.
8. Loved 3.5e for non-cheesy art. I love 5e art as well, but not the Monster Manual. I think, 3.5e overall.
9. Anything by Luka. Let's say, #Longwinter, could just as well be #UVG.
10. No
11. I am now!
12. Of course.
13. Nope.
14. Probably, any giant stag beetle summoning tool from 3.5e. It felt degenerate. I don't know, I don't care for items too much.
15. Currently, I'm a friend with a kobold, who comes to adventures with us. He's cool, but he grabs the loot.
16. I don't collect anything, no. But I buy everything @bradkerr publishes to run it.
17. My own #IcyNSR system.
18. Probably a nazi mage from a fictional organisation with a civil-service front called "the directory of the souls".
19. No idea what it means.
20. Mom's friend's son who was my childhood friend got the D&D 3.0 starter kit in 2002. There was no coming back.
#IcyNSR #uvg #Longwinter #LabyrinthLord #ose #LtGarlic #whitehack #NSRQ #OSRQ
Oh, #OldSchoolEssentials, easily. The Rules Tome is the best possible introduction to old school D&D; the Advanced expansion set... expands the game to include the options of AD&D without the horrible, horrible cruft.
And then you've got TOTAL compatibility with the entire #LabyrinthLord third-party ecosystem.
#OldSchoolEssentials #LabyrinthLord
The sheer volume of cool stuff that @dysonlogos has cranked out is amazing. https://dysonlogos.blog/2014/04/15/tuesday-map-the-castellans-keep/ #ttrpg #osr #dnd #LabyrinthLord #dungeonsanddragons #moldvaybasic #ose #adnd
#ttrpg #osr #DnD #LabyrinthLord #dungeonsAndDragons #moldvaybasic #ose #adnd
Labyrinth Lord 2nd edition preview on Drive Thru for free.
#dnd #osr #labyrinthlord
Labyrinth Lord 2nd edition preview on Drive Thru for free.
#dnd #osr #labyrinthlord
@YUMDM Getting back into #DnD 3E but play a lot of:
A bit of #ADnD 2E and a homebrew mashup of #OSE #LabyrinthLord and #RulesCyclopedia.
#DnD #castlesandcrusades #WorldsWithoutNumber #OldSchoolEssentials #adnd #ose #LabyrinthLord #RulesCyclopedia
RT @crawlstilho@twitter.com
Today I want to pay tribute there is an ancient character.
Fidos the Hunter
My first character from #LabyrinthLord and #Barrowmaze.
A #dwarf without a beard.
#dnd #goblinoidgames #megadungeon #tabletopgames #ink #osr #rpg #oldschool #fantasy #dungeon #lotr #tolkien #crawlstilho
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/crawlstilho/status/1592570115953897472
#LabyrinthLord #Barrowmaze #dwarf #DnD #goblinoidgames #Megadungeon #tabletopgames #ink #osr #rpg #oldschool #fantasy #dungeon #lotr #tolkien #crawlstilho
Castles & Crusades Diary: Barrowmaze, Sessions 124-130
My nearly 4-year Barrowmaze campaign is coming to an end. The players only have two areas left to explore - the Lair of the undead dragon Ossithrax, and the location of the Tablet of Chaos and its Keeper.
#CastlesAndCrusades #Barrowmaze #LabyrinthLord #DungeonCrawl #MegaDungeon #DnD #rpg #ttrpg
#castlesandcrusades #Barrowmaze #LabyrinthLord #dungeoncrawl #Megadungeon #DnD #rpg #ttrpg
To help make #TTRPG connections name…
Last 5 #ttrpgs you played
Next 5 you really want to play!
Next 5 genres/game systems you enjoy!
Then, boost this post so others know to do the same!
_Last Five_
#Traveller (Mongoose 1st)
_Next Five_
#introductionTTRPG #ttrpg #ttrpgs #LabyrinthLord #traveller #Shadowrun5 #callofcthulhu #homebrew #TheDarkEye #Mausritter #FASERIP #Fantasy #spaceopera #cthulhu #osr #sciencefantasy
Sums pretty much up why I dislike #OSR #TTRPG like #DCC #OSE #LabyrinthLord etc.
Endless regurgitation of outdated, boring concepts that faded into the background at the end of the 80s for a reason. This commercial, glorified copying and slapping house rules on classic #DnD is terrible, for my part I don't support such a rip-off.
Obviously: #YMMV
#osr #ttrpg #dcc #OSE #LabyrinthLord #dnd #ymmv #dnd5