#Armenia requested an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council due to the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh as a result of the blockade of the #Lachin corridor, the press service of the Armenian Foreign Ministry stated.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/nexta_tv/status/1690276815737151488
RT Tigran Mkrtchyan
❗❗❗ Humanitarian crisis in #NagornoKarabakh/#Artsakh is deteriorating on an HOURLY basis(no food,no medicaments,impossible for life conditions). #Lachin corridor's blockade&illegal siege by #Azerbaijan,in violation of @CIJ_ICJ decisions,continues. Purpose is ethnic cleansing! https://t.co/Sr1P7dbvGa
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TMkrtchyan/status/1682016974896001025
#NagornoKarabakh #Lachin #Azerbaijan
RT Tigran Mkrtchyan
#ECHR has reminded #Azerbaijan of its obligation“to take all measures that are within their jurisdiction to ensure safe passage through #Lachin Corridor." Baku keeps on obstructing&misrepresenting the court's decisions.
@ECHR_CEDH @NewsEchr @GreeceMFA @CyprusMFA @AlbanianDiplo
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Yeghishe Kirakosyan: #ECHR has reminded of the decision of 21 December 2022, which remains in force and under which Azerbaijan is obliged “to take all measures that are within their jurisdiction to ensure safe passage through the ‘Lachin Corridor’
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TMkrtchyan/status/1680911936026730496
RT Tigran Mkrtchyan
Instead of unblocking the #Lachin corridor asap, heeding to all appeals&urgent calls of international bodies, #Azerbaijan is continuing the medieval policy of siege of #Armenia/ns in #Artsakh/ #NagornoKarabakh (7 months!!!) & shooting at #Armenian positions on the border areas.
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MoD of Armenia 🇦🇲: On July 17, from 12:5 a.m. to 1:40 a.m., units of the #Azerbaijan|i armed forces opened fire from small arms at the #Armenia|n combat positions in the vicinity of #Sotk and #Nerkin_Hand. https://t.co/gLlpOmOEh0
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TMkrtchyan/status/1680862480665378817
#Lachin #Azerbaijan #Armenia #Artsakh #NagornoKarabakh #Armenian #Sotk #Nerkin_Hand
RT Tigran Mkrtchyan
#Azerbaijan has illegally established a checkpoint on the #Lachin corridor violating 2020 Nov ceasefire statement&neglecting decisions of international courts, thus locking #Artsakh/ #NagornoKarabakh in complete siege. Yet it blames Red Cross for illegal smuggling of goods.
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Ani Avetisyan: Azerbaijani blocked the Red Cross's passage through the Lachin corridor, saying Armenians returning with them brought "cigarettes, petrol, mobile phone screens".
Red Cross cars were the only ones having access to the region.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TMkrtchyan/status/1678775104036298753
#Azerbaijan #Lachin #Artsakh #NagornoKarabakh
Aujourd'hui, en session plénière du @Europarl_FR, un débat a lieu avec @JosepBorrellF sur Les relations entre l'#Arménie et l'#Azerbaïdjan et la situation au Haut-#Karabakh et dans le corridor de #Lachin.
Il est urgent de de mettre fin à la catastrophe #humanitaire actuelle !
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/sylvieguillaume/status/1668619644599672833
#Arménie #Azerbaïdjan #Karabakh #Lachin #humanitaire
Azerbaijan establishing unilaterally a checkpoint along #Lachin corridor runs counter to EU calls for reducing tensions & solving issues by dialogue. EU continues to engage in promoting peace & stability in South Caucasus. Rights & security of #Karabakh Armenians must be ensured
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JosepBorrellF/status/1650981898212999171
Le jour de la commémoration du génocide arménien par l'Empire ottoman, l'ambassadeur azéri en Iran tombe dans l'obscène. Cela nous rappelle que des populations arméniennes continuent de subir des exactions avec le blocage du corridor de #Lachin par l'Azerbaïdjan.
RT @Ali_F_Alizada: Commemorating the Turks who were brutally murdered by Armenian terrorists in 1915, regardless of the elderly, women and children.
#1915Events #ArmenianTerrorism https://t.co/ByaPxcZOFr
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/emmanuelmaurel/status/1650843032256749569
#Lachin #1915Events #ArmenianTerrorism
🇦🇲🕯️Today we commemorate the Genocide against Armenians by Ottomans. 108y after the horrifying atrocity, Armenians in NK are still not free from fear of ethnic cleansing.
That is why blockade of NK & installing of check-point in #Lachin by 🇦🇿 is particularly cynical & dangerous.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ViolavonCramon/status/1650524188413775882
Not adequate reaction
RT @TMkrtchyan: At #HRC52, during item 4, #Cyprus raised its concerns about #Lachin corridor blockade by #Azerbaijan.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/THEOCHAROUSE/status/1640562565808881666
#HRC52 #Cyprus #Lachin #Azerbaijan
RT @TMkrtchyan: European Parliament resolution notes
❗Armenia's territory is under Azerbaijani occupation
❗#NagornoKarabakh conflict isn't resolved
❗#Lachin corridor is closed&must be opened
❗During 2022 Sept invasion extrajudicial killings of Armenians were committed
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/THEOCHAROUSE/status/1636055858269282305
#Azerbaijan: almost 3 months blockade of the #Lachin corridor - independent journalists are prevented by the 🇦🇿 authorities and 🇷🇺Russian peacekeepers from covering the humanitarian crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh, an enclave with a mainly Armenian population.
RT @GeorgeMelikyan: A new report by @EP_ForeignAff calls on #Azerbaijan authorities to withdraw troops from all parts of #Armenia. It also urges Azerbaijani government to guarantee freedom & security of movement through #Lachin corridor blocked for almost 2 months. Full text: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20230209IPR73402/armenia-meps-welcome-reforms-while-pushing-for-peace-with-azerbaijan
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/L_P_Berg/status/1624727945582370817
Depuis plus d’un mois, la seule route vers le Haut-Karabakh est fermée par l’Azerbaïdjan : Aliev prend en otage 120 000 civils arméniens, coupés de tout, privés d’alimentation et de soins. L’Europe n’a plus le droit de financer cet État terroriste.
#HautKarabakh #Artsakh #Lachin
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/fxbellamy/status/1615440983025410048
#HautKarabakh #Artsakh #Lachin
RT @fxbellamy: Depuis plus d’un mois, la seule route vers le Haut-Karabakh est fermée par l’Azerbaïdjan : Aliev prend en otage 120 000 civils arméniens, coupés de tout, privés d’alimentation et de soins. L’Europe n’a plus le droit de financer cet État terroriste.
#HautKarabakh #Artsakh #Lachin
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/NicolasBay_/status/1615444935011930112
#HautKarabakh #Artsakh #Lachin
RT @QC_Cerezuela@twitter.com
✍️120.000 personas, de los cuales 30.000 niños/as, continúan sin tener acceso a los bienes más básicos. Desde hace un mes, el gobierno de #Azerbaiyán bloquea el corredor de #Lachín, la única vía de acceso al enclave de #NagornoKarabag, de mayoría armenia. Lo explico en @diariARA@twitter.com https://twitter.com/diariARA/status/1614928953940054016
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/QC_Cerezuela/status/1614943330068037634
#azerbaiyan #Lachin #nagornokarabag
🇦🇲 Today, January 6, #Armenians celebrate #Christmas. My heart goes out to those >100K people blockaded in #NagornoKarabakh. They are facing food & medicine shortages. Government of #Azerbaijan & their proxies must urgently allow uninterrupted movement of civilians in #Lachin.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ViolavonCramon/status/1611301302067429376
#Armenians #christmas #NagornoKarabakh #Azerbaijan #Lachin
RT @TMkrtchyan: 23rd day of #ArtsakhBlockade /#NagornoKarabakh blockade by #Azerbaijan. In intl relations overreaction has been as bad a problem as under-reaction.On critical issue of #Lachin road blocking the under-reaction or, mostly, zero-reaction poses another grave danger- ethnic cleansing!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/THEOCHAROUSE/status/1610353358170370049
#ArtsakhBlockade #Azerbaijan #Lachin
#Russian #peacekeepers no longer control the #Lachin corridor, Armenian Prime Minister #Pashinyan said at a meeting with #Putin.
‼️ #Russia interested in peace? 🤣 You must be joking!
#Russia #Putin #Pashinyan #Lachin #peacekeepers #Russian
Au moment de célébrer Noël, il est plus que temps que l’Azerbaïdjan cesse son blocus contre les populations arméniennes du Haut-Karabakh.
RT @CineSeda: “#Lachin corridor will be opened on December 26” - Russian peacekeepers told Artsakh citizens who rallied all the way to their checkpoint to meet the Azerbaijanis who have been keeping Artsakh under total blockade for 13 days now. No further details have been shared so far
📷 FB
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/NathalieLoiseau/status/1606713176447279104