I just realised I never went to explain BALO, MOLD, and ÆÞER weapons for #LacunaApostasy #DOMAIINS #ttrpg...
Uuups. I will get into those today. Sorry!
#ttrpg #DOMAIINS #LacunaApostasy
Okay design wise for #ttrpg?
I finished the #LacunaApostasy Gifts for the fun new weapons!
Furthermore been working on writing a BIT of #DOMAIINS
My FULL focus tho has been on writing stuff for V_KTOR (name of the thing I wana make a light novel of)
#DOMAIINS #LacunaApostasy #ttrpg
I love writing #LacunaApostasy stuff!
Today I've been into weapon categories and aesthetics! Mainly using the gift system from #DOMAIINS to generate the whole thing.
With that I have 5 categories of weapons prepared, 3 of which are only available at Immo 3+ (2+ with the correct Gifts).
So let me talk about some #worldbuiling here!
Strap yourselves in, we're going to do a Saltum Tenebris into the Lacuna Stratum!
#worldbuiling #DOMAIINS #LacunaApostasy
Hyperfocus again.
So I'm apparently shifting between the #DOMAIINS #ttrpg rulebook and #LacunaApostasy fiction book for this month. And some-fucking-how I'm writing between 200-800 words a day...
If ONLY this could last for a whole year. But nooooo.... Filip gets the option to write two books in two months.. ONCE A YEAR apparently.
#LacunaApostasy #ttrpg #DOMAIINS
Somewhere in the Cygnus-Orion arm of the Closest Dark, in a sacristy of planetary proportions a single bell tolls. Presumed dead and unfunctional. Written off as a myth. The dust danced and swayed across the room. Roused by the whirr of gears and cogs that transfered power from an old forgotten source. The toll was heavy, ground-shaking, digital. Not something that a physical bell should produce.
Oh and just a Darkvessel (Spaceship) I designed for #LacunaApostasy !
Utterly proud of it!
Oh and just a Darkvessel (Spaceship) I designed for #LacunaApostasy !
Utterly proud of it!