Inventariar es iluminar. Un conjunto ordenado de objetos que tienen etiquetas. Y ocupan espacio, no solo físico, sino mental. Antes no eran tema. No existían. Ahora son un mundo. #borges #lafcadiohearn
Lafcadio Hearn's Japan - Japan Powered
>Lafcadio Hearn (1850-1904) offered a view into Japan during the Meiji Restoration with his books.
#Japan #JapaneseCulture #Books #JapaneseBooks #JapaneseLiterature #LafcadioHearn #LafcadioHearnsJapan #Meiji #MeijiRestoration #JapaneseHistory #History #Review #BookReview
#bookreview #review #history #japanesehistory #meijirestoration #meiji #lafcadiohearnsjapan #LafcadioHearn #japaneseliterature #japaneseBooks #books #japaneseculture #japan
A fascinating programme about Lafcadio Hearn's love of insects and the Japanese vocabulary related to them. My family and I were lucky enough to guided around the wonderful "The Poetry of Insects" exhibition at the Lafcadio Memorial Museum in Matsue by Bon Koizumi, great-grandson of Lafcadio Hearn, and his wife Shoko when we visited Matsue last year.
#Insects #LafcadioHearn #KoizumiYakumo #Kwaidan #小泉八雲記念館 #LafcadioHearnMemorialMuseum #Matsue #松江市
#insects #LafcadioHearn #KoizumiYakumo #Kwaidan #小泉八雲記念館 #lafcadiohearnmemorialmuseum #matsue #松江市
I wandered into the Wikipedia article on Hearn and started reading his biography. I had no idea what I was in for. It is quite a ride! If you don't already know the story of Hearn's life, I highly recommend reading it so you can experience the inexorably widening eyes and dropping jaw for yourself.
del Toro mentioned that Kwaidan was adapted from a book of Japanese ghost stories (and insect studies!?!) written by Lafcadio Hearn, a writer of Greek and British descent. Hearn eventually moved to Japan and wrote some of the first accounts in English of Japanese culture.
#cinema #LafcadioHearn #ghoststories #japan
Latest read, The Dream of a Summer Day (1895) by Lafcadio Hearn from Japanese Ghost Stories; a fisherman is trapped 400 years in the future, a woodcutter's wife drinks to much from the fountain of youth and becomes a helpless babe. Interlinked tales of husbands & wives magically separated by time.
Poetic, lovely.
206 of #400FantasyStories #Books #LafcadioHearn #JapaneseFolklore #ShortStory #Fantasy
#400fantasystories #books #LafcadioHearn #japanesefolklore #shortstory #fantasy
Actor Hashizume Isao (橋爪功) reads three stories from Lafcadio Hearn's Kwaidan.
#Hashizume Isao #橋爪功 #LafcadioHearn #KoizumiYakumo #小泉 八雲 #Rokurokubi #ろくろ首 #轆轤首 #Mujina #貉 #Yukionna #雪おんな
#hashizume #橋爪功 #LafcadioHearn #KoizumiYakumo #小泉 #rokurokubi #ろくろ首 #轆轤首 #Mujina #貉 #yukionna #雪おんな
I've been reading #rogerpulvers book on #LafcadioHearn and need to talk to someone to clarify something. Does anyone know how to contact him or is anyone a specialist on Hearn?
Here are my five favourite books of the Japanese supernatural. What are yours?
#Yūrei #幽霊 #Yōkai #妖怪 #LafcadioHearn #KoizumiYakumo #Kwaidan #HiraiTarō #EdogawaRampo #UgetsuMonogatari #AkinariUeda #KōjiSuzuki #Sadako #Ringu #HigashiMasao #JapaneseGhosts
#yurei #幽霊 #yokai #妖怪 #LafcadioHearn #KoizumiYakumo #Kwaidan #hiraitaro #edogawarampo #ugetsumonogatari #akinariueda #kojisuzuki #sadako #ringu #higashimasao #japaneseGhosts
The story of the faceless noppera-bō yōkai was retold by Lafcadio Hearn as Mujina in Kwaidan. This video has English subtitles.
#Nopperabō #のっぺらぼう #LafcadioHearn #KoizumiYakumo #小泉八雲 #Mujina #貉 #Kwaidan #怪談 #Yōkai #妖怪
#nopperabo #のっぺらぼう #LafcadioHearn #KoizumiYakumo #小泉八雲 #Mujina #貉 #Kwaidan #怪談 #yokai #妖怪
The One Hundred Tales (百物語) is an album by Japanese experimental musician mora-tau inspired by the writing of Lafcadio Hearn and traditional Japanese supernatural stories.
#moratau #OneHundredTales #百物語 #鏡と鐘 #Hyakumonogatari #Kiyohime #清姫 #Mujina #貉 #LafcadioHearn #KoizumiYakumo #小泉八雲 #Kwaidan #怪談
#Moratau #OneHundredTales #百物語 #鏡と鐘 #Hyakumonogatari #Kiyohime #清姫 #Mujina #貉 #LafcadioHearn #KoizumiYakumo #小泉八雲 #Kwaidan #怪談
> #LafcadioHearn described the environment in #Japan as harsh, violent and September 1894..[a] damaging earthquake had occurred three years earlier in Gifu. It is still the largest recorded inland #earthquake in Japan’s history.. There have been many major #earthquakes since, with the Great Kanto earthquake.. in 1923 causing massive damage and loss of life in #Tokyo and surrounding regions. Wikipedia lists an estimated 142,800 casualties.
#JannWilliams #tokyo #earthquakes #earthquake #japan #LafcadioHearn
> There are many beautiful things in Japan,” he told his wife. “Why do they imitate Western things?” The answer, as he well knew, was in order not to be invaded, exploited or treated as “backward.”
> ... the last section, entitled Industrial Danger, contains a clear-eyed warning of the risks of Japan’s headlong rush to modernize.
#LafcadioHearn #Japan #industrialization #Westernization #modernization #PeterTasker
#PeterTasker #modernization #Westernization #industrialization #japan #LafcadioHearn