Lahaina: My, My - Look Who is Resigning- Nani Medeiros: Chair of Build Beyond Barriers of Governor Green's "Land Grab" Group
According to Medeiros, appointed - not elected - 10 months ago, is stepping down because of threats to her and her family. That's the government approved media narrative version.
Governor "Land Grab WEF/UN Globalist" Green said she is stepping down because of the "bullying tactics" that were used on her.
The real truth here is that when you turn the lights on, the cockroaches scatter.
They murdered innocents for their own nefarious, land-grab, smart city purposes. Don't let them forget that and you win, not them.
Hawaiians need to keep their land to honor the memory of your dead loved ones. Rebuild Lahaina the way they want to, not the way they want them to into tyranny and enslavement.
#US spending more #taxdollars on #Ukraine than #Lahaina relief
#us #taxdollars #ukraine #Lahaina
#Maui resident describes anomalies of (microwave incineration) #Lahaina: "Cat 'statue', standing on all fours, hair unburned (obviously died instantly!)..."
"after the California fires of 2007 and 2008, the U.S. Geological Survey found that, when mixed with water, the ash was almost as caustic as oven cleaner" #dioxin #lead #furans #carcinogens #Lahaina
#dioxin #lead #furans #carcinogens #Lahaina
#US spending more #taxdollars on #Ukraine than #Lahaina relief
#us #taxdollars #ukraine #Lahaina
Was the Maui Fire a Land Grab to Facilitate the UN Based 2030 Agenda?
Comments from the residents after the first Build Beyond Barriers Working Group meeting accompanied with a video from the planners about the planned smart city greenway transportation corridor that went straight through the Lahaina business district.
Full video of the planned greenway corridor:
Note: As stated in the video:
"The third segment of the greenway is the most densely populated area along the entire corridor passing through Lahaina to reach Keawe Street. The determination of the final alignment will be based upon the timing of other planned projects in this area."
Not long before the #BurningMan self-induced "disaster" took place, there were BURNING CHILDREN in #Lahaina that the Biden regime has either ignored or is hiding from the public with large black fences. No one came to help the burning children, but watch as Biden will likely dispatch #FEMA resources to rescue BurningMan "techno bros" from their own drug-infested idiotic behavior. Biden's priorities will be crystal clear...
"Raw footage on the ground in #Lahaina #maui shortly after the fire in areas that are now inaccessible" (blue car unscathed) #Lahaina #maui Fires FAKE PSYOPs & LIES - Mercenaries At WAR With FEMA Military Fighting For TRUTH CinemaShogun
#Brushfires break out near #Kaanapali resort area where many #Lahaina #wildfire victims are staying
#Brushfires #Kaanapali #Lahaina #wildfire
Jon Voight is RIGHT, Trump goes to WAR, Britons ordered to STOP HEATING their homes!
Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 31, 2023
#MikeAdams #brighteon #collapse #economy #tyranny #government #democrats #USA #America #freedom #humanity #JonVoight #MitchMcConnell #Lahaina #climate #liberals
Watch full broadcast here:
#MikeAdams #brighteon #collapse #economy #tyranny #government #Democrats #usa #America #freedom #humanity #jonvoight #mitchmcconnell #Lahaina #climate #Liberals
Jon Voight is RIGHT, Trump goes to WAR, Britons ordered to STOP HEATING their homes!
Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 31, 2023
#MikeAdams #brighteon #collapse #economy #tyranny #government #democrats #USA #America #freedom #humanity #JonVoight #MitchMcConnell #Lahaina #climate #liberals
Watch full broadcast here:
#MikeAdams #brighteon #collapse #economy #tyranny #government #Democrats #usa #America #freedom #humanity #jonvoight #mitchmcconnell #Lahaina #climate #Liberals
According to the Hawaii State Department of Education, There are 2,025 Students Missing from the Lahaina Public School System
Prior to the fire, the Lahaina four school district had an enrollment of 3,001 students. According to a Hawaii Dept. of Education report here's how those students are distributed as of August 21st:
- 538 students have reenrolled in other schools
- 438 students have joined the State Distance Learning Program (SDLP)
The remaining 2,025 students are not accounted for.
According to the Honolulu Star-Advertiser, a private school on Maui has received 1,000 fresh applications. However, the same article reports another 200 student school, Sacred Hearts School, was in ruins due to the fire.
It appears likely that the number count for this fire will rise appreciably once the government is forced to provide an honest assessment.
What microseconds of #instanthell did #Lahaina mothers experience among #DEW fields as they pulled their #children into their bosoms?
#instanthell #Lahaina #DEW #children